Second Liverpool CLP votes no confidence in Starmer – but party bars neighbouring members from their own vote

Riverside joins Wavertree in demanding resignation, with other Labour groups in the city expected to hold votes – but neighbouring Bootle CLP has been blocked by Labour’s regional office

Labour members in the Liverpool Riverside constituency – one of the city’s biggest ‘CLPs’ (constituency parties) – have this evening passed a no-confidence vote in Keir Starmer, citing the disastrous effects of the party’s hard lurch to the right and Starmer’s attacks on grassroots members.

It reads:

Riverside members join their colleagues in nearby Wavertree and others around the country in this renewed round of calls for Starmer to go. But on the same evening, in a signal of a looming new crackdown on members’ freedom of speech, members in neighbouring Bootle were banned by the party’s regional office from holding a vote on a similar motion.

Starmer and his acting general secretary David Evans have long been engaged in a war on the human rights and freedom of speech of Labour members, with many CLPs being either prevented from holding votes of support for former party leader Jeremy Corbyn or of no confidence in Starmer and Evans – or else seeing their officers suspended by Labour for allowing votes to proceed.

It is a sign of small-minded weakness and contempt that they are resuming the war.

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