Exclusive: Liverpool supporters’ union refused meeting with Johnson – ‘we can’t meet with someone who starves kids, writes for the S*n and made COVID a disaster’

Liverpool legend Bill Shankly (image credit: By cchana from London, UK, CC BY 2.0,

As public outrage grew over the planned exclusive ‘Super League’ of European football clubs, the chairs of the Football Supporters Association, the Arsenal supporters trust and the Spirit of Shankly union of Liverpool FC supporters were asked to have an online meeting yesterday with Boris Johnson.

The Liverpool group refused, saying that it couldn’t meet with someone who:

The group added that it realised a political response is good alongside fan protests and sponsor-boycotts and agreed to take part in cross-party meetings with sports ministers – but said this could not include ‘someone treating it as a publicity stunt so he can say he is working with supporters’.

The meeting procceeded without the Liverpool contingent.

One more reason to love Liverpool.

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