Labour’s polling falls again under Starmer – Tories fourteen points ahead

Starmer falls further back against a government overseeing ‘social murder’ of 150,000 and more

The latest YouGov poll for the Times suggests that Labour has falling seven points further behind the Tories – in the space of just a week:

This is against a Tory government whose policies have killed 150,000 and more people in just the last year or so – New Zealand, another island nation, has seen just 26 deaths because of its government’s handling of the pandemic crisis. So appalling has Boris Johnson’s handling of the crisis that the Tories have been accused of social murder even by the editor of the normally cautious British Medical Journal.

Keir Starmer’s eagerness to avoid holding Johnson to account for his crimes has allowed the Tories a free ride – and contributed to the shattering of Labour’s standing on Starmer’s watch.

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