Video: Poverty, social exclusion and falling life expectancy in north are ‘balderdash’, says Tory old Etonian Jacob Rees-Mogg

‘Lord Snooty’ thinks reality of northern working-class life in north is made up

Tory MP Jacob Rees-Mogg – personal fortune in excess of £100 million, according to the Spectator – thinks poverty, social exclusion and falling life expectancy in the north are ‘made-up’ and ‘absolute nonsense’.

Challenged by northern working-class MP Jon Trickett to a debate on the plight of millions in the north (and of millions in other parts of the country), the man often compared to the beano’s ‘Lord Snooty’ responded that Trickett’s claims about the harsh reality of life for many people is ‘balderdash’:

This country has more than four million children in poverty, with many thousands even of poor working households dependent on the mushrooming number of food banks for even basic subsistence. Life expectancy in the poorest parts of the UK had fallen by more than a year long before the start of the pandemic – and the gap in life expectancy between rich and poor is more than ten years. Rather than wanting to improve life for those people, the Tories recently flirted with slashing terms and conditions.

Yet Lord Snooty, sitting on his piles of cash, thinks that’s ‘senseless, stupid or exaggerated nonsense’:

Trickett’s response was straight to the point:

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