Analysis Announcement

Join SHA in the next 2 days to fight off yet another right-wing take-over

Right-wingers running SHA have been accused of financial irregularities – but Labour First is on a recruitment drive to protect them from democracy

Liverpool Labour left’s take on the right-wing recruitment drive

Right-wing pressure group Labour First is on a recruitment drive to pour new members into the Socialist Health Association (SHA), with only two days to join before the deadline to vote in the SHA’s executive elections.

Labour First is presenting its drive as an attempt to protect hard-working right-wingers from a ‘hard left’ take-over from ‘mainstream’ leadership – but in reality, the current SHA chair and secretary have been accused of blocking attempts to expose and investigate financial irregularities, including refusing to give the association’s Treasurer access to its PayPal account.

After the treasurer and other senior left members tried to call a special meeting to address these issues, she was expelled from the SHA.

Labour First wants to protect its allies on the SHA exec and replace the remaining left-wingers. The left needs members to join the SHA today (Weds) and Thursday to ensure that you can vote in branch and national elections in January and February and get rid of the current Labour First backed officers – and ensure that the SHA works for a truly public and protected NHS.

You can do so here for £25 a year, or £10 for those on low incomes.

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  1. Here’s one v good reason for socialists to take the SHA. As Skwawkbox has maintained, schools are a key part of what has driven the pandemic.

    Now there is a petition to close schools in Tier 4 areas, which has nearly 100k signatures:

    Government must respond at 10k signatures, Parliamentary debate at 100k signatures.

    We’re nearly there.

  2. Seems odd you need a PayPal account to join. I don’t have one and prefer not to.
    How Labour First have got the nerve to be part of a Socialist campaign group. They should be done under the trades description act.

    1. I think the point of asking people to use PayPal is that it guarantees the immediate payment. If it turns out that you don’t have enough money in your bank or card account to pay PayPal, your purchase has been paid for, and PayPal will chase you to recover what they paid out. So there would be no grounds for anyone to argue that your membership of SHA was invalid.

    2. you can join by setting up a Standing Order with your own bank so no need to use Paypal at all , Ive just done it and the more of us that can afford to do then the better for the LW and our NHS , worth trying to protect ?

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