Canary editor Mendoza suspended (again) by @Twitter – for tweeting an email address at the request of the person who owns the address

Canary editor-at-large Kerry-Anne Mendoza

Canary editor Kerry-Anne Mendoza’s Twitter accounts were reinstated on Monday after Twitter said it had ‘mistakenly’ suspended her access after a coordinated campaign of vexatious complaints. Right-wingers were horrified that their attempts to gag her had failed.

But just two days later, Mendoza’s main account has been suspended again – with Twitter telling her this was for tweeting an email address without the ‘express authorization’ of the address’s owner:

But Mendoza did have ‘express authorization’ – more than that, she was tweeting it at the specific request of the email holder, to promote an event she was organising. Twitter did not contact Mendoza beforehand to ask whether she had permission to post the address, it simply assumed she had ‘violated our rules’ and locked her account.

The tweet was approximately two years old.

The SKWAWKBOX has again written to Twitter to point this out and ask why the social media giant has acted in this way with the editor of an IMPRESS-regulated publication.

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