
Passed a motion for Corbyn or against Starmer/Evans? Been blocked from doing so? Register it here

Constituency and branch Labour parties around the UK are passing more and more motions supporting Jeremy Corbyn or condemning (or even voting outright no confidence in) Keir Starmer and Labour general secretary David Evans. Others are being blocked from doing so by anti-democratic interventions by regional offices.

To build a database of which local members have voted through such motions, or been prevented from exercising their democracy, please email details of your motion and result to Updated lists will be published periodically. Identities of members submitting details will not be stored or disclosed.

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  1. Yes I asked and was told it would be ruled out of order. So I left.
    Oldham East and Saddleworth

    1. Brilliant Nick. That’ll show them! They must be really rattled that you walked away just cos they refused you your democratic right

    1. Seems like people are being denied that opportunity… You are no more than a mug punter…A milch cow, to these rodents.

      So deny them their funding. If they persist, deny them your vote. It’s that easy.

  2. The Right has never played by the rules. There is nothing particularly unusual about this situation. Every generation there has been some form of disciplinary crackdown on the Left. Nye Bevan was briefly expelled in 1939. Despite founding the NHS, he had the whip removed for a short time in 1955. People need an overview of history.

  3. I have been blocked from even discussing the reason why I was going to introduce the CLPD motion against restricting free speech and discussion in the Labour Party. I was shouted down by the chair and his wife threw a wobbly. I was contacted by a few members who were very much concerned about what happened to me at the meeting which they described as extremely rude, unjustified and aggressive. And that is what it was. The bullying culture appears to be truly alive in my CLP.

      1. One is our only young member age16 and the other member supported me but got similar reaction to me. I was actually accused for gazumping the meeting, despite the motion / discussion being the only item under AOB.

  4. Can you introduce a motion ruling them out of order, I wonder. It looks like you would have some support.

  5. I would like it to be properly minuted., I still have to write up the minutes /notes for that meeting as secretary of branch. I like the idea of a motion as suggested by you Charlene.

  6. It’s not often I praise Skwawky but well done for this initiative demonstrating solidarity.

  7. Brecon and Radnor Constituency Labour Party vote overwhelmingly calling for the Labour whip to be restored to Jeremy Corbyn.

  8. In Cardiff South & Penarth, member was silenced as soon as Corbyn’s name was mentioned.

  9. Thanks SW. Thanks for helping with the organise part of SOF – Stay, Organise, Fight.

  10. Starmer et al are providing marvellous propaganda for the Tories and LIbs who are going to warn voters that a Starmer government will be run on Stalinist lines: “If you disagree they will silence you. If you speak out you will be arrested…”

    Millions of voters found Jeremy Corbyn'[s principled democratic politics, his refusal to abuse his power to silence opponents, his respectful acceptance of criticism, his ‘turning the other cheek’ when affronted by deceitful and dishonest charges of antisemitism, very attractive and contrasting with the normal gangster like behaviour of tghose who fear democracy both within the Labour movement and in society generally.

    We have seen what happens when the likes of Starmer come to power- the interests of the Few are privileged, the Many are treated like cattle, in Iraq and Afghanistan, mowed down in their hundreds of thousands, at home rooted out of their jobs, loaded with debt, driven from their homes and reduced to poverty and insecurity.
    Ordinary people notice these things and, when elections come tend to prefer the devil they know to the strutting children of Machiavelli or Stalin wannabes.

  11. “The Bakers Food and Allied Workers Union is going to hold a consultation meeting on whether to disaffiliate from the Labour Party directly because of Keir Starmer’s ‘Leadership’. Less than a year ealier Keir Starmer was posting videos praising the work of BFAWU and the McStrike. Photos at their picket lines also featured in his campaign materials. Now they’re considering leaving the party because of his leadership.”:

    Also a heart-warming video in the piece.

  12. Have people been getting motions passed first at branch meetings before going to CLP? I ask because since lockdown hardly any of our branches have been meeting (or even communicating with members) – so in their absence can individuals table motions directly to CLPs? Also are people taking motions on the night or submitting in advance? I think the rules say they’re supposed to be sent to the secretary at least a week (or even 2) before the meeting. Or can we put motions forward as emergency business given how quickly things are changing? Many thnaks

  13. If it isn’t reported by MSM it isn’t happening…

    …And lack of awareness by Joe Public means them bastards will only continue to act like the ‘rags and give them time to not just get their story straight, but also get it in first.

    MPs and/or senior aides need to get this out into the public domain, pronto.

    And it hasn’t gone unnoticed that once again, someone’s all too conspicuous by his absence in the thread.

    1. Don’t encourage him or respond when he ‘arrives’.The site will be better for it.

      1. The shithouse isn’t gonna ‘arrive’ on a thread like this, Paul.

        It’s his M.O. all over.

    2. Yes toffee…but it is always good to see new posters on here and the intervention of davidh was intriguing despite being new to the site.

  14. Our CLP passed an amended motion that was stronger than the original condemning Starmer’s leadership in 18 specific points and calling on Starmer to obey the rule book and immediately restore the whip for Corbyn. Many later said they would have voted for a no confidence ballot of all the members.

    Our discussions were polite and friendly everyone who wanted to speak was given time. All those against the motion got to speak most of them argued that we did not need an internal fight at this time. Those for the motion tended to say Starmer had broken all trust and that now they felt he must go, that the time for appeasement was over.

  15. Lewes CLP passed motion last night (67% GC) which covered both whip withdrawal and reinstating CLP officers/members who have been suspended.

    However, a previous branch meeting was prevented by Southern Region from passing a motion opposing Jeremy Corbyn’s suspension.

  16. Local CLP passed a motion covering freedom of speech within in the labour party, with an amendment: “Based on the General Secretary’s behaviour we have no confidence in him to lead the NEC”

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