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Breaking: Liverpool mayor announces city will provide free school meals during holidays to its vulnerable kids

Almost 20,000 children written off by Tories will no longer go hungry as UK’s reddest city steps up

Liverpool mayor Joe Anderson has just announced that the city will feed its poor children during school holidays, after the scandal this week of 322 Tory MPs voting not to provide food to kids who receive free school meals during term time – while the government denies financial support to parents who are told to self-isolate via the Tory contact-tracing app.

The politically reddest city in the UK is stepping up because the national government is run by a party of people that thinks it’s ok to leave kids starving because there have always been hungry children.

Bravo to Joe Anderson – who lost a brother to COVID last week and another to cancer recently – and his colleagues on the city council for protecting our kids and shaming the Tories.

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  1. Fair play to him.

    Hopefully this, xombined with burnham’s noncompliance is the start of some semblance of concerted and committed defiance against the southern toffs; instead of the usual handwringing apologies from these regional bigwigs.

  2. Not the most desirable result – the problem demands a national solution – but the next best thing. No doubt Boris The Clown will be in two minds about it: “it saves us some money but those pesky comrades have put one over on me”.

  3. They’ll be sending kids up chimneys again soon.

    Just seen a CH4 report on this. Gotta say to those two lads with the fruit & veg stall in Watford(?)…

    …God bless yous both You really have made me well up with pride determination and gratitude and your outlook really has reminded me that the bastards will NEVER break people like us as long as there’s people like you.

    A heartfelt ‘Well in. ‘👍😉✌️

    1. My apologies… They’re in Borehamwood

      Messrs Aston & o’ Connor.

      Star turns, the pair of them.

  4. Vindictive Tories expose themselves

    ‘Thicky’ Nicky Morgan spells it out: Tories denied poor children free school meals out of spite

    There’s a reason we call her “Thicky” Nicky. Tory High Command will be fuming this morning.

    The reason? Former education secretary Nicky Morgan admitted on the BBC’s Question Time that she and her Conservative colleagues voted down a motion to give poverty-stricken children free school meals during the holidays – not for any practical reason, but because a Labour MP insulted one of them during the debate….

  5. Hi Probably a bit off-topic, but has anyone heard any more rumours that the Local and Mayoral Elections in May are going to be postponed until later next year?

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