Analysis Breaking

School principal: Dept for Education told me not to report virus cases

Secondary school head says he’s been told to manage future infections ‘in school’

Principal Will Teece

A popular school principal has stated publicly that the Department for Education (DfE) not to bother reporting coronavirus infections – and to simply ‘manage [them] in schools.

Will Teece, who made a ‘huge impact’ at his previous school in Lincolnshire, according to local press, before moving in the summer to his new school in Leicestershire, tweeted details of his conversation with the DfE:

Mr Teece is one of many teachers and school staff being told to keep quiet about the situation in their school and manage it themselves, as the Tories continue to try to mask the consequences of their determination not to re-close schools.

That determination to keep open the engine room of the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic makes a sham – and a scam – of the Tories token attempts to look like they are trying to suppress the spread of the virus.

It is killing people again, after Johnson’s delays in the spring cost tens of thousands of needless deaths.

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  1. Contemptible.

    If there’s any justice, this government will end up like the ceaucescus. Their supporters like the vichy french collaborators.

  2. They think everyone should do a multitude of jobs whether qualified or not…They’ve got the plod as mental health workers, JCP quislings as social workers, dental assistants assessing disability cases and now they want the teachers to ‘manage’ Covid outbreaks.

    …And there isn’t one bastard toerag MP can fart & chew gum at the same time. Not one of them.

    They’re not qualified to wipe my arse. They can’t even wipre their own – They’ve been reliant on stammer to do so for them thus far.

  3. A (surprisingly) useful analysis from the BBC online this morning on where we currently are with covid19 in the UK: One of the key fact stated is that covid19 is up to twenty-five times more deadly than seasonal flu. Although the small poisonous coterie of covid19 denier conspiraloon trolls on here (like RH) seem to be slightly letting up in their daft denier posts as the grim reality of this accelerating Second Wave makes their lying trolling ever-more offensive, their gross collaboration in helping to spread the propaganda lie that ‘covid ain’t a big problem, so we can all carry on as usual – working to produce more profit for the bosses in unsafe workplaces ‘ , should add them to the list of bastards to be dealt with like the Vichy collaborators in immediate post war France ! Or surely, at least, Skwawkbox should ban them from posting their dangerous Trumpian lies on a Left forum.

    1. Terry – You were the one who was regurgitating Trump propaganda yesterday.

  4. So the Tories are telling doctors to write coronavirus on every death certificate at the same time as telling schools to sweep coronavirus kids under the carpet.
    Blojob needs to make up his mind and PICK A FUCKING LANE.
    Either that or somebody’s lying…

  5. I despise the Tories, but let’s not forget the one in the Labour Party who expected the children back to school. No opposition, but lots of encouragement if not force.

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