Number of schools hit by C19 rises by 58 – now at least 850 – in just 3 hours

792 just before 5pm, now 850

Just before 5pm this evening, the SKWAWKBOX reported the latest number of schools hit across the UK – and predominantly in England – by coronavirus outbreaks. 792 schools, compiled by the outstanding @ToryFibs from school websites, news reports and NHS updates, were affected.

By 8pm a further 58 schools had to be added, taking the total to 850.

The number is rising so quickly that by the time you read this article, it will be out of date.

Greater Manchester alone has seen 91 schools with outbreaks – yet only 39 in the far more populous Greater London have admitted being affected. In reality, it is likely to be around 400 just in the Greater London area, but the above total only contains the 39.

The UK is probably already well beyond a thousand schools hit – and even the total including the unfeasibly low number for London will pass it, probably as soon as tomorrow. The number of cases and hospitalisations in the UK is also growing rapidly, again driven by the debacle in England.

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