Analysis Breaking

School infection rates tens, even 100+ times higher than community – Tories shamed into finally reporting as outbreaks approach 6,000

The number of confirmed coronavirus outbreaks in schools is now at least 5,868, with many showing infection rates tens of, or even more than a hundred, times higher than in their surrounding communities, as a selection of typical ONS data shows:

The number of children among new sufferers has rocketed, with school-age children displaying the fastest-growing rate of infection and schools acting as the driver of the surging second wave.

The Tories continue to ignore the obvious and remain determined to avoid school closures, doing anything but shut down schools as they drive more and more of the country into ‘tier 3’ economic collapse rather implement the ‘circuit-breaker’ nationwide lockdown including schools that would be guaranteed to slow the second wave.

But the facts are inescapable – and the Tories have finally been shamed into at least reporting on the scale of their schools catastrophe by awareness raised by the excellent @ToryFibs and others, making their failure to take a lockdown step already taken by Northern Ireland, Wales and, partially, by Scotland all the more inexcusable.

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  1. ITs getting more dangerous and lethel by the day with the “Untouchable” Conservative and unionist party..Parliament are not the the safety of the ordinary people who are now seen as enemy of the state.This mess cant be allowed to carry on..Time for international courts and the intervention of a real government for the people.

  2. I can’t believe there are outbreaks of Covid in Schools & Universities………no-one can be that stupid unless………?

  3. ‘Ere, little steven and the buttplug?!!

    Where’s stammer gonna be instead of trying to secure free meals for deprived schoolchildren?

    Deputy leader Angela Rayner will lead for Labour in the chamber and the motion will read: ”This House calls on the Government to continue directly funding provision of free school meals over the school holidays until Easter 2021 to prevent over a million children going hungry during this crisis”.

    Got better things to do, has he? Or is it all another of his supposedly ‘dead clever ploys’? 🤔🤨💩🏠

    I mean, we wouldn’t want him falling into the trap of making sure kids get fed, would we?

      1. Not answering the question, (again) then?

        Small wonder you’re derided everywhere you go. You like polls – we should have one about you.

    1. “Got better things to do, has he?”
      Maybe just scared BloJob’ll screw with him by calling it the Marcus Rashford Motion and quietly whipping the Tories to vote for it.
      If one Labour MP voted against, Starmer would be humiliated – that’d be worth the cost of the meals to the Tories.
      Just kidding – neither of them are that smart.

    2. I agree Toffee and would add that it is deplorable that this issue would not have been raised at all but for the intervention of a professional footballer who seems to have more compassion empathy and decency in his little finger than the whole of the Labour shadow cabinet and front bench put together

  4. I think the ‘marketing strategy’ (of his spin doctors, like the ghastly new marketeer General Secretary – and Mandelson in the wings) for the ‘Sir Keir Starmer brand’ is that he will always try to appear ‘above the fray of trivial day-to-day politics’, the ‘safe pair of (pro status quo) hands’ , the ‘One Nation Prime minister -in-waiting’ – and if, as with issues like Marcus Rashford’s free school meals campaign (when Labour jump on the bandwagon-with a ‘demand’ significantly inferior to the Rashford demand) , or the Greater Manchester lock-down funding support argument , a few Shadow Cabinet ministers will be allowed to ‘be a bit bolshie’, if that looks like playing well in the press – but Sir Keir will continue to float above the fray, ‘the national Leader in waiting’. And , sadly , given the total lack of any new ideas on the Blairite Labour/Starmerite Right, this cynical uncombative, politics of supine collaboration, is all we are ever going to get from the now fully restored neoliberal Tory-lite NuLabour Party.

    Though it will ensure Starmer never gets a bad press , in fact , as the Tories disintegrate , one could imagine the Murdoch press coming back on board again , as per the Blair era, it will never win back our lot 40 Scottish seats, or most of the old ‘Red Wall seats’ (those ex Labour voters may eventually take back their ‘lent’ vote from the Tories, but they are more likely to abstain or vote for some dodgy Right populist candidate than Labour in a future General Election- as they increasingly are at local government level – a la Bolton and Stoke for instance).

    Face it comrades , Labour is finished as any sort of Party for Left advance , or even a Party with majority government potential. The best the Tory Lite Starmer Nulabour Party can hope for is to eventually be part of a German-style grand coalition of collaborators.

  5. Even a simpletonshould be able to work out that this headline is sheer contradictory nonsense.

    Here is the not-so-new news :

    PCR + test results don”t measure infection, and the inventor of the test warned against using it as a diagnostic tool.

    Quote :

    “It [PCR] allows you to take a very miniscule amount of anything and make it measurable and then talk about it in meetings and stuff like that as if it’s important … there’s just very few molecules that you don’t have at least one single one … in your body. So that could be thought of as a ‘misuse’ of it just to claim that its ‘meaningful’…. if they could find this virus in you at all with PCR [it’s possible] to find almost anything in anybody ….. It doesn’t tell you that you’re sick and it doesn’t tell you that the thing you ended up with was really going to hurt you or anything like that”

    Here’s the rest of the news : Mortality is currently running near the 25-year low, and tracking normal seasonal patterns.

    Sorry – but I don’t think the Grauniad or Beeb is going to offer a job, despite SB’s attempts at emulation.

  6. I understand the test based on the CRISPR gene editing method, which just won a Nobel Prize, no longer relies on PCR and results are available in five minutes.
    I assume this is what’s now being sold at airports for £80 but I don’t know.
    If it’s as effective as it seems, it may be one of the keys to getting the world back to normal quickly, in which case it needs to be deployed globally and immediately.

  7. When will Marcus Rashford & other elite ‘Premier League’ chums donate part of their stratospheric wages to feeding the poor? He was poor once (says Kirsty Wark) but until this happens he will still be part of the problem as ‘poor kids’ cannot afford to watch PREMIER LEAGUE football.Bend the knee for Sir Marcus Rashford.

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