Cummings’s press statement has made his behaviour worse, not better…

Dominic Cummings has made a statement to the media to explain his behaviour during the lock-down. He immediately showed his behaviour to have been worse than portrayed, not better:

Cummings quickly ‘explained’ his actions by saying that his wife had taken ill – with symptoms that ultimately proved to be coronavirus – and called him home.

So he dashed home, stayed around a probably-infected person for a couple of hours – and then went back to the office, risking passing the infection to others.

And he then decided to make the 260-plus mile drive to Durham.

Cummings also admitted later in his statement that he did go to north-east beauty spot. He claimed this was ok because he didn’t interact with anyone apart from one person at a distance – and that he made this drive to see whether he was fit to drive.

But the April date when he did so was before the relaxation that allowed people to drive anywhere for a walk – yet he drove 30 miles or so, breaching the rules the rest of us were expected to live under. The law had no exemption to say ‘no driving to anywhere distant – unless to see whether you can drive a distance’.

Cummings’s claim that he and his wife were never tested and therefore don’t know for sure they had the virus are challenged – by his wife’s own Spectator article asserting that she ‘actually’ had the virus, not that she thought she might have had it.

And in playing down his wife’s symptoms and whether they actually were coronavirus, he undermined the main plank of his excuses for having to drive to Durham in the first place.

He has incriminated himself even further. He must go and his press stunt from the Number 10 garden has backfired spectacularly – because the indefensible cannot be defended.

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