Analysis: UK has 2nd-worst C19 deaths per capita in the world – behind only San Marino, not USA

Tory guilt exposed by analysis of real death figures

A US mass grave

The UK has the worst rate of deaths per million of its population in the world, when the likely real number of deaths in and out of hospital are included.

The latest (as of the morning of 30 April) ‘Worldometer’ live chart ranking deaths per million of the population shows the UK in fifth position, with 384 deaths per million of population:

However, it is widely recognised that the UK’s official death toll is far below the real figure, because deaths in care homes will represent half of all UK deaths. Even though the government has started to include some care home deaths in its numbers, the ‘lag’ in reporting them means that around 15 days of care-home deaths are not included.

Taking the cautious Financial Times analysis, which concludes that around 48,000 people have died of the virus in the UK, the table looks very different – with the UK leaping into second place, behind only tiny San Marino, with more than 700 deaths per million:

San Marino has a handful of cases and a tiny number of deaths, but its small population of just 34,000 or so inflates its per million figure.

Note that the USA, which has the highest number of total deaths, does not appear anywhere in the ‘top’ ten in the list. The UK is far, far ahead of the Trump-blighted US in the rate at which the government’s handling of the crisis is killing its citizens.

But in reality, the number of UK deaths so far is likely to be considerably higher. In most countries that measure deaths in care homes – which includes Italy, Spain and France, so their non-hospital deaths are included in the figures above – deaths in care homes represent around half of the total. That’s far higher than the government’s ‘lagged’ figures.

On top of that, hospitals have said that their coronavirus deaths are being under-reported in the government’s figures – with whistleblowers saying only half of the deaths are being counted as coronavirus victims.

Adjusting even cautiously for those facts, the UK has easily suffered 65,000 or more deaths so far. And that leaves the UK still in second place behind tiny San Marino – but very nearly 50% higher than Belgium in 3rd place and 85% higher than France in fourth place – on almost 1,000 deaths per million:

Even on the government figures, the UK occupies a shameful place in the table. The Tories had weeks longer to prepare for the pandemic than Spain, Italy or France – yet they have taken this country into far worse territory.

Territory that means tens of thousands of needless UK deaths.

But in reality, the UK is the second-worst in the world – and by far the worst major nation – in terms of deaths among its people caused by the virus.

The government and its supporters try to claim that ‘some countries’ measure in different ways, or have different geographies or population densities. But the UK is worse than every country in the world of any geography, any population density and any measurement system. Apart from tiny San Marino.

Boris Johnson and his government – through their ‘herd immunity’ insanity; their PPE failures; the insanity of sending C-positive old folk back to care homes; their rejection of the World Health Organisation ‘test and trace’ plan that saw South Korea eliminate the virus without a lock-down; their decision to allow sporting events to continue when experts were screaming warnings and their policy of allowing travellers from virus hotspots to enter the country with no checks – are responsible for mass fatalities.

Fatalies that other countries have shown can be avoided. Among your relatives, friends and colleagues.

And they are not finished yet.

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