Here are the flights arriving tomorrow from virus hotspots – with no checks on passengers

Flights continue into the UK from the world’s worst-hit coronavirus hotspots. There are no checks on incoming passengers, making a mockery of the government’s ‘lock-down’. Here are tomorrow’s arrivals at Heathrow

As the SKWAWKBOX has reported, flights continue to arrive every day from the world’s hardest-hit coronavirus hotspots.

The UK is entering its fourth week of lock-down, with constant calls on UK residents to respect social distancing and travel restrictions even around their own towns, the government is allowing flights to arrive daily from even the places with the highest infection and death rates.

Without a single check on the health and coronavirus status of those arriving – not even a simple temperature check:

The flights arriving into Heathrow tomorrow are as follows:

New York is currently the world’s worst affected, with mass graves shown yesterday on BBC News, while Iran and Madrid have long been hard hit.

Yet the government is allowing passengers from those areas straight into the UK, unchecked, making a mockery of the nationwide lock-down.

The Tories are trying to create the impression of action against the coronavirus, but any examination of their behaviour shows that they are still recklessly pursuing their eugenics-driven ‘herd immunity‘ plan.

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