Dramatic video: May stammers, attacks as Corbyn asks for pledge ministers will cooperate with Vote Leave police probe

may stammer

Theresa May is fighting for her political life after a week of humiliation and chaos.

So the one question she must have been hoping against hope not to hear in during today’s PMQs (Prime Minister’s questions) was about the involvement of at least four of her Cabinet Ministers’ involvement with the Vote Leave group that has been referred to police by the Electoral Commission for refusing to cooperate with its investigation into Vote Leave’s breaches of campaign law – note that it broke law, not just ‘rules’ as the BBC prefers to put it.

So of course that was Jeremy Corbyn’s first question.

It triggered high drama and not a little farce as the PM accused and evaded, while MPs on both sides roared, with the Tory contingent trying to pretend they were outraged at the mere relating of facts and the putting of a simple question.

May was so at sea that all she could think of to try to counter the question was to attack Jeremy Corbyn for asking it – and every time she tried to talk about the actual issue, she squirmed and stammered:

It was compelling stuff – and very interesting that she rounded off by leaping ahead to an imagined court case and verdict.


Mock Tory outrage is always an interesting spectacle – and usually a revealing one. But the involvement of police is clearly making the collars of those involved in the Vote Leave debacle feel a little tight.

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