Tories’ fake MP/dog pic spawns hilarious p***-takes. Why not make your own?

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The Tories’ foolish attempt to create an impression of community engagement by photoshopping a former Conservative MP and his dog into a picture of a group of local residents backfired spectacularly when the scam was uncovered – and the party and its candidates were ridiculed all over social media, as users mercilessly took the, well, you-know-what.

A SKWAWKBOX/Agitator collaboration – to highlight the ridiculous hubris of the Tories’ assumption that they can brazenly create fake news and not be found out – quickly resulted in a series of images of rogue former MP David Burrowes and his dog, inserted not into community snaps but into famous (or infamous) scenes – some topical and some historical (and hysterical).

Here are a few.

Sajid Javid

Sharp-eyed Twitter users spotted the similarity of the new Home Secretary’s silly ‘power stance’ at his first photoshoot and the stance of the ‘Tory dog’ – so an image was an obvious requirement. Along with a satirical article about the dog’s outrage at being copied by a Tory minister.

The ‘P45 moment

As Theresa May’s disastrous 2017 lurched into conference season, the hapless PM was embarrassed not only as the scenery fell apart around her, but as a comedian sneaked in to hand her a P45.

Or did he..?


In one of two nods to history, this one relatively recent, it transpires that a certain fateful day in Dallas not only had a phantom shooter on a grassy knoll, but also a wayward dog and his defunct companion…

The last dog’s dinner?

Debate has long raged about Leonardo Da Vinci’s famous painting, The Last Supper, with historians speculating whether the figures depicted with the Christ were modelled on da Vinci’s contemporaries – including possibly a woman among the twelve disciples.

Who’d have guessed it also included a Tory canine and his handler?

The World Cup

Back to more recent history. The Tories fancy themselves the ‘one nation’ party, but it turns out a couple of them also played a key role in a great English moment:

Faked moon landing?

A few short years after England’s World Cup triumph, mankind conquered space with the first moon landling. But conspiracy theorists have long thought the landing was faked in order to beat Russia in the propaganda war.

Those conspiracy theories highlight strange flag movements and shadows to support their conclusions. But how could they have missed this?

Have a go?

Fancy joining in the great, er, mickey-take? Below are the hapless duo on a transparent background. Why not make your own, tweet them on social media with an @skwawkbox tag and a #FakeToryPhoto hashtag and we’ll feature the best in a follow-up article.

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