MSM use SKWAWKBOX scoop – again. Without credit

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Over the last few days, the SKWAWKBOX embarrassed the mainstream media (MSM) three times.

First by publishing analysis of the ‘scuffle’ at Tory MP Jacob Rees-Mogg’s speech last Friday that showed clearly that the only violence at the event had been by a right-wing Rees-Mogg supporter, making a nonsense of the Establishment’s preferred narrative that it was done by ‘left-wing thugs’.

Second, by uncovering the identity of the man who struck a female protester in the face twice during a Jacob Rees-Mogg appearance in Bristol on Friday.

Third, by uncovering the fact that the man had dressed as a nazi ‘SS’ officer at a party.

Various mainstream publications used the SKWAWKBOX’s identification of the man at the weekend, without giving credit to this blog for the discovery.

And today the Times, followed by the Mail and S*n (so far), have published stories that use the SKWAWKBOX’s ‘nazi uniform’ revelation – and gave no credit to the SKWAWKBOX:

One of them even used images taken directly from the SKWAWKBOX exclusive, as can be seen from the exact replication of blacked-out areas we used to obscure the identity of bystanders in the images:

One of the images as it appeared in one right-wing MSM publication…
…and the SKWAWKBOX original


It’s long been the case that the MSM are eager to attack this blog as ‘fake news’ – but equally eager to use our stories – and sometimes even lift material directly – when it suits them.

One Twitter user spotted a pattern:

All of these publications will profit from using our material or discoveries, either via a paywall or by means of click-based advertising revenues.


All of this points to the fact that, while the mainstream media are eager to foster a narrative that says independent news is fake news when it suits them, it’s a deeply cynical ploy to protect their own interests – and they’ll switch without a second thought to using material from the same sites when they think it serves those interests.

Often without even the integrity to acknowledge the source.

The ‘new left media’ are vital for those who want to know what the MSM won’t tell them – and for getting ‘inconvenient’ news out to a national and even global audience. Which, no doubt, has a lot to do with why the government and social media platforms like Facebook are looking to gag or hide them in favour of so-called ‘trusted sources’ that are in fact the main source of actual fake news.

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