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McDonald defies Starmer to expose Israeli strike on Gaza hospital that killed 500+

Middlesbrough MP continues record of principle

Middlesbrough MP Andy McDonald has defied Keir Starmer’s appalling orders to MPs to avoid shows of support for Palestine, or criticism of Israel’s war crimes, in their social media output by exposing Israel’s responsibility for the air strike on Gaza’s Al Ahli hospital – and the vaporousness of their attempts to blame Hamas for the massacre of over five hundred people, many of them children, elderly people and women.

While Starmer – like the UK government and media – has eagerly allowed Israel off the hook, McDonald spoke out and pointed to the clear evidence that an Israeli warplane was the source of the deadly strike:

While Israel, after senior figures boasted about the ‘success’ of killing ‘terrorists’ in the hospital, u-turned in the face of international horror and tried to blame Hamas, McDonald also pointed out their admitted record of lying to the public:

Below is the video to which McDonald linked:

And he concluded by pointing to the infamous murder of Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, which Israel at first attempted to blame on Palestinians but was later shown to be guilty of – and by accusing Israel of war crimes, both in the hospital attack and its collective punishment of the people of Gaza:

Unlike his party leader, McDonald showed moral courage in condemning Israel’s actions and calling for an immediate end to the inhumanity of the blockade and bombing of Gaza’s civilian population. It is not the first time he has shown such backbone, resigning from Starmer’s front bench after the so-called Labour leader ordered him to argue against a decent pay rise for health workers drowning under a cost-of-corporate-greed emergency.

Tragically for the UK and the world, there is not even a ghost of such moral and political humanity and courage on Labour’s front bench.

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  1. Quite a number of pregnant women perished. How can some people sleep?

    1. The depravity of the State Department, eventually admitting Israeli culpability re Shireen Abu Akleh, finds it’s match in that of Starmer, their obedient servant.

  2. Solidarity with Andy McDonals. I am not going to be surprised if Starmer retaliates and withdraws the Labour’s whip.

    1. I:ve said for a while now that McDonald would be the obvious a d wise choice for leader if he threw in a challenge. I’ve been an admirer of his for a good while.

      But we all know what’s coming his way pretty soon…Maria says she wouldn’t be surprised.

      I’m expecting nothing else.

      1. Toffee, I would hazard a wild guess and predict that Macs days are numbered. Sleazeballs on a high after the by election results. Could be confident enough to put the boot in. He can’t see beyond the numbers and predicts a Blair 2, forgetting about shy tories. Mind you Sunak is widely loathed by the usual backwoodsman round NE Yorkshire and when they hate it lasts. My pony is going on no overall control.

      2. The entire Socialist group will be purged before the GE, no way their going to be allowed to hold the balance of power

  3. Reply to Maria V and Toffee
    Starmer won’t have the nerve to remove the Labour whip from Andy on the usual “antisemitism” grounds. I think this time somebody will fabricate complaints of bullying or sexual harassment or something similar and he’ll lose the whip for that.
    In relation to his tweets I am glad that he and others are willingto stand up and be counted and expose the barbaric actions of the USA’s “partner”, Israel, in defiance of our resident Israeli apoologist in chief Keir Starmer .
    His response to Israel’s war crimes shows that (for probably the first time in his life) he spoke the truth when he described himself as a “Zionist without qualification”
    I call on all our Muslim Brothers and Sisters and all other right minded people who hold elected office to speak out too and/or resign.
    I also think every single “Friend of Israel” should be publicly challenged to explain how their friendship with war criminals is compatible with Labour party values.

    1. “Fleas.”

      That is how an anonymous senior Labour official chose to describe those people — mostly Muslim as far as can be told — who have resigned from the Labour Party over Starmer’s pro-war crimes stance on the Gaza crisis.

      Speaking to controversial journalist Lee Harpin, the source (believed to be a well-known NEC member) described the departures, which include many councillors and the BAME officer of Young Labour, as “shaking off the fleas.”

      1. Kudos.

        But labour and Britain itself has a long way to go. It is one of lifes delicious ironies that Keef has spent all this time cosying up to Israel and they’ve shown themselves to be most unpopular.

        Added laughs are the destruction of the Ukrainian narrative and the rapidly dawning realisation that the West is irrelevant. Which it is.

        It’s going to interesting to see who is meek, who is brave and who is a fool geopolitically. With that, I’m off to buy popcorn, before it becomes an unaffordable luxury.

      2. timfrom,

        Do you have any links on the ‘shaking off the fleas’ comment please?

        Thanks in advance.

      3. Scrub that timfrom. Just found this link:

        “Fleas” eh?

        Just where have I seen that language used to de-humanise others as a prelude to and justification for all sorts of indiscriminate slaughter, elimination, erasure and cancellation of anyone who is not one of the self-appointed ‘chosen.’

        Oh yes. Here it is:

        “When we’ve settled all the land , all the Arabs will be able to do about it will be to scurry around like drugged cockroaches in a bottle.”

        – Rafael Eitan: former IDF Chief of Staff. New York Times, 14 April 1983.

        “The Palestinians are beasts walking on two legs.”

        – Menahim Begin, speech to the Knesset, quoted in Amnon Kapeliouk, “Begin and the Beasts”. New Statesman, 25 June 1982.

        How long before the inevitable conclusion of designating any critique in such a way begins?

        We have hit piece after hit piece on TV and printed media targeting anyone who steps out of line. And once the majority of the populace is saturated with the ‘four legs good, two legs bad’ propaganda painting everyone who disagrees with The Official Narrative as ‘terrorist sympathisers’ – which will morph into “terrorists” – and nothing more than human insects anyone not complying will be a Palestinian with these psychopaths and sociopaths running amok.

      4. Dave, mea culpa, I copied/pasted it from the Morning Star, loath though I am to give them publicity!

  4. Having read “Bad News for Labour” (Pluto Press), Asa Winstanley’s excellent “The Weaponisation of Antisemitism”, and followed the issue closely during its whole manifestation, I am always happy to challenge anyone who complains about Labour antisemitism.
    The Labour right have no shame, slack morals, and a non-existent relationship with history and the truth.
    Enough said!

    1. Israel have pointed at the crater in the car park, the expert I have read stated it is consistent with an Israeli missile fired from a drone
      Bottom line
      Point to an event where months and years later Israel has been vindicated
      Methinks none

    1. Herr Flick
      That’s another wodge of the electorate lost to the Fuhrer
      Please remind us where his core vote resides
      Will he get as many votes as JC in 2017
      Methinks not a fecking snowballs chance in hell

      1. Very impressive Doug. You call your dog and it comes running to its name. Are you by any chance related to Barbara Woodhouse?

      2. Doug – 20% of the membership abandoned Corbyn between 2017 and 19.

        Number of fully paid up members.
        July 2017 – 538,606
        November 2019 – 430,359

  5. Biggest mistake by those who support the Palestinians is condemning the attack on 7th October, its Israel’s get out of gaol card
    When asked, never answer until the questioner condemns Netanyahu and the Nazis in his government for being the cause of it
    Remind them Hamas were created by the Yanks, Israel is just America’s Gun Ship in the middle east
    Ask who kills more babies Hamas or Jewish terrorists
    Then remind them they are guilty of crimes against humanity and could hopefully be prosecuted and when you throw in the Mandemic and Ukraine
    Methinks there is another Nuremberg trial on the horizon
    Genius is knowing when to stop

    1. Thanks, Doug, for reminding us about the origins of Hamas.
      The U.S. thought that the creation of a religious group would divide the Palestinians and thus make it easier for Israel to ignore the peace process. -, ” How can we be expected to negotiate with a people so divided?”
      As with the creation of the Taliban and all that has flowed from that, we can now see how far that has got them.

      1. The dread hand of the Muslim Brotherhood is not the only player in this game of poker.

    1. This recent interview between Piers Morgan and Egyptian comedian Bassem Youssef is worth every minute – from the obvious squirming of Morgan at Yousef’s biting satire to the double standard self-serving fascism spouted by Ben Shapiro and his partner to excuse war crimes.

  6. The minority of the world known as the ‘Collective West’ is systematically isolating itself from any influence or meaningful role in the world.

    This past week has seen humiliation after humiliation as Saudi Arabia, Jordan and other Near East States publicly shun US representatives.

    Nikki Halley is completely isolated in the UN Human Rights Council as even the few remaining allies the US have abstain on her amendment as the US becomes the first State ever in the UN HR Council to be the only country to vote for their own proposal.

    At that same body Simplicus the Thinker…..

    ….presents a stark video of the current inflection point as participants in the UN HR Council stand up en masse and turn their backs on US Ambassador Michelle Taylor.

    And now the US is taking its bat and ball home by announcing it will be leaving the UN HR Council and forming its own “rules based” body. A gang of one unless Perfidious Albion and the dead in the water EU decide to join them?

    How long before the incompetent sociopaths of the Collective West shoot themselves in the head by flouncing out of the UN to completely isolate themselves from the majority of the world and becoming an irrelevant and collapsing backwater as a result of their own ignorant and arrogant hubris?

    TINA has just run off the cliff.

  7. This all seems to be waking up the grassroots in Arab countries too so hopefully they can get rid of their top down leaders who take the power for themselves and in Palestine too.
    Wish the Palestinians had a Mandela or a leader with Corbyn type values.
    Bur I do remember reading that the Palestinians do have a decent guy who has been kept in a Israel Colonial Power jail I think for 20 years or so.

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