Coyle suspended from Commons for abuse ‘with racial overtones’

Right-wing Labour MP’s ‘Fu Manchu’ and Chinese spy abuse to British-Chinese journalist punished by Parliament – so will Starmer deselect? Don’t hold your breath

Journalist Henry Dyer and (inset) Neil Coyle MP

Right-wing Labour MP Neil Coyle has been suspended from the House of Commons for using racially-charged language in a drunken verbal assault on journalist Henry Dyer.

As Skwawkbox reported just over a year ago, Coyle:

The suspension also relates to a second drunken incident in a Commons bar.

Keir Starmer eventually withdrew the whip from Coyle last year, but waited days after the allegations became public before taking action. Skwawkbox understands that Coyle has been lobbying – some sources say begging – Starmer to restore the whip so he can stand in the next general election as a Labour candidate. Unlike Corbyn, who will see thousands travel to north London to campaign for him, Coyle would surely stand a below-zero chance of achieving re-election without a Labour rosette.

Coyle’s fate would seem to depend on whether Starmer thinks he can get away with quite such a blatant double standard when Jeremy Corbyn has been told he will not stand for Labour, in Corbyn’s case over trumped-up outrage about comments the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) said he has a legally-protected right to make.

The odds are probably about even. Starmer has already ignored complaints made by three leading Labour-supporting Jewish figures including a professor and a knighted barrister about Coyle’s antisemitic comments. Coyle has also been the subject of complaints by local members and a neighbouring MP about his conduct and bullying complaints by party staff. He then sent a string of seemingly drunken text messages to Corbyn when the Islington North MP was party leader.

In addition, Coyle triggered outrage when he and another right-wing MP were seen drinking on the Commons terrace with right-wing organiser Ian McKenzie, after McKenzie was suspended for tweets about the rape and beheading of front-bencher Emily Thornberry.

That his chances of standing as a Labour candidate remain better than those of the former party leader speaks volumes about what Labour has become under the Starmer regime.

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