Ardern resigns as NZ PM

‘Not enough in the tank’ as popular PM says 7 Feb will be her last day in office

image by Newzild, Creative Commons licence.

Jacinda Ardern has dramatically announced her resignation as New Zealand PM.

In a press conference, the popular Labour premier said that she did not have ‘enough in the tank’ to continue and that those who would look for further reasons would be disappointed.

She went on to address her daughter to say she was looking forward to being there when she got home from school – and to her partner Clark to propose ‘let’s finally get married’.

Ms Ardern, whose humane and competent response to the Covid pandemic kept New Zealand’s death toll in two figures while Boris Johnson’s saw hundreds of thousands of UK deaths including thousands of people in care homes wilfully infected and UK Labour leader Keir Starmer pushed for schools to be kept open and without masks in classrooms, will step down with effect from 7 February.

She has faced criticism for not addressing child poverty to the extent she said she would on first taking office, and for not rescinding New Zealand’s discriminatory laws on immigration for disabled people, but is still light-years ahead of anything remotely on offer in the UK.

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