Whittome forced to delete Sunak tweet, while Starmer copies Tories

Anti-black/brown immigration policy apparently is compatible with Labour now, but pointing out that Sunak is a class enemy is not

Labour MP Nadia Whittome has been forced by Keir Starmer’s party regime to delete a tweet pointing out that Rishi Sunak’s coronation as unelected PM is not the triumph for Asian communities that the media is presenting, because his class interests are at odds with theirs and those of people of every ethnicity.

Whittome’s tweet

Just as Margaret Thatcher becoming Prime Minister was no victory for women – and indeed a disaster for millions because of the policies she imposed in the service of the wealthiest – Sunak is first and foremost a representative of his class and therefore at odds with the best interests of the many. The same, of course, goes for Keir Starmer – he and Sunak are both men of the Establishment and there for its benefit, not to change things for the better of the majority.

But the very white leader of a ‘Labour’ now ridden with anti-Black and anti-Muslim racism – who dismissed the Black Lives Matter movement as a mere ‘moment’ – thinks he can tell an ethnic minority woman MP how to view race issues. The party has made Whittome delete her tweet and is deciding what further disciplinary action to take against her, with a party spokesperson declining to deny that the Labour whip might be withdrawn.

At the same time, Starmer has said Labour under him is almost identical to the Tories on immigration – against the arrival of Black and brown people, then – and the party has distanced itself from backbencher Richard Burgon’s call in the Commons for the government to tax the wealthy instead of imposing cuts on the poor, saying:

This sort of language around wealth taxes is not where we are.

The great tragedy of our time is that there is no representation for the millions of people struggling and going under in this country, at the moment where they most desperately need it, because the so-called ‘leaders’ of both major parties are too busy competing for the approval of billionaires and hedge-fund managers.

It must never be forgotten or forgiven.

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