Starmer ‘boycotts’ Qatar World Cup – but not really. And nothing to do with Al Jazeera…

Qatar-based TV station recently exposed the horrors of right-wing Labour and Starmer’s inaction over racism. But Starmer is ‘boycotting’ World Cup by only watching from sofa and not because they might ask awkward questions if he goes to Doha

Keir Starmer has announced that he and Labour are ‘boycotting’ the Qatar World Cup because of that country’s human rights record.

Except he isn’t – he says he will ‘only’ watch it from his sofa and of course if watching it from your sofa was a boycott, millions of people around the world are also ‘boycotting’ the event, while avidly driving up TV advertising revenue of broadcasters eagerly fattening Qatar’s coffers for the privilege of showing the games.

The hideous racism, rigging and smears of Keir Starmer’s now-ruling faction of the party were recently, horrifyingly and indisputably exposed by the ‘Labour Files’ documentary series shown on Al Jazeera, a broadcaster whose HQ just happens to be based in… Qatar.

His and his allies’ tactic of pretending that the programme and indeed the broadcaster don’t exist would be a lot harder to maintain in Qatar itself, where the station could detail a reporter to dog Starmer’s footsteps at every game, event and outing.

One of Starmer’s unabashed, no doubt corporate-paid junkets

Keir Starmer has so far shown no aversion, nor even bashfulness, about attending plush freebies paid for by corporations, for example England women’s football matches and the royal box at Wimbledon. But of course, the threat of being forced to face up, on camera, to the purge and other conduct he condones, ignores and allegedly promotes has no role in his decision to avoid this one.

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