Announcement Breaking

As Starmer drones tomorrow, activists and unions will hold anti-sabotage protest for peace, workers’ rights and more

Join protest backed by the RMT, Liverpool Dockers, BLM, JVL and more at 2pm at Stone Arch on Liverpool’s waterfront near Labour conference venue

The Stone Arch on The Strand in Liverpool: the venue for Tuesday’s anti-Starmer protest

As Keir Starmer makes his profoundly-unanticipated speech at the Labour party conference in Liverpool tomorrow afternoon, activists and unions will be holding a protest nearby and in a far more visible location against the ‘theft of democracy’ and lack of interest in the issues of working-class people that Starmer embodies.

A statement from the group explains:

Join us at 2pm Tuesday at The Arch, The Strand in Liverpool. Supported by Liverpool Dockers, the RMT, Jewish Voice for Labour, Stop The War, The People’s Assembly, BLM, LGBTQ socialists , Liverpool trades council and many many others.

We are demanding Peace, Public Ownership, Workers Rights and Democracy Now.

Let’s face it we had democracy stolen from us by the sabotage of our movement from inside the Labour Party (watch the Al Jazeera documentaries). As a result workers’ rights will be wrecked, the peace movement betrayed and Tories will make ordinary people pay for this crisis.

Join us tomorrow.

The protest will gather at the Stone Arch on the corner of the Strand and Gower street, a stone’s throw from the ACC venue of Labour’s conference.

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      1. Grow up Stevie Hall davidh…..The working class movement was started from the ground up and in the streets.Your political education is lacking and you are historically illiterate like most of your mob.and only interested in climbing the social scales.You must have been dragged up mate with that type of inferiority complex on your shoulder.?

      2. Joseph – ..and what they are actually hoping to achieve is?????.

        I’m not the one with the enormous chip on my shoulder.

      3. See this!?
        This, is the beginnings of the end for The Neo-Labour Party TORIES, that is what will be achieved in the longrun!
        You just wait until a few peaceful protesters get hurt and this thing gets momentum!
        Looks like The PEOPLE are mobilising before BlueKeef even has the keys to Number 10,
        Even if this is not ‘it’, rest assured ‘it’ WILL topple the Neo-Labour Party TORIES!

      4. nellyskelly – You are deluding yourself again. Come back when you can offer a credible alternative.

      5. It’ll simply show that despite the trilateralist-takeover of a major political party, Labour Hope and Sense still endures in the form of ‘dearly departed’ and some very impressive persisting members whose integrity does them honour.

      6. What are you hoping that electing a Labour government that’s no longer to the left of the Tories on anything but a handful of trivial, meaningless side issues will achieve? What are you hoping to achieve by electing a Labour government that’s just as senselessly militaristic as Blair’s? What are you hoping to achieve by electing a Labour government whoe policies no longer benefit anyone but the rich? What are you hoping to achieve by electing Labour government that supports the fascist hate group known as the Orange Order?

        There is nothing Labour that can come of any of that, Steve.

      7. Also…why do you hate socialism and socialists, Steve? Neither has done anything to deserve your hatred or your derision.

      8. Ken – I don’t, but I do think that short sighted naive people who have so little regard for the welfare of the vulnerable and nothing to offer but a trip to La-La-Land are a waste of space.

      9. What do Red Tories think they will achieve, electorate want clear choice, not an ersatz imitation of the cheap and nasties
        2nd referendum, no money and no feet on the ground should finish PWC
        Greens, LibDems and SNP will clean up,as most people stay at home

      10. Doug – Your ignorance of the facts is self imposed, only you can fix that.

  1. Steve H…So you don’t believe were on the. ” Eve of destruction ”

    Stevie boy…look at the lyrics and you might actually learn somthing from the boy that fled Hibbing high school in Hibbing Minnesota and never looked back….Bob Dylan the kid that was bullied by the redneck locals because they thought that he was Jewish and not one of them of Viking \slavic descent….Racism is a evil thing so why do you support the Fascists labour party.

    1. Joseph – I think you are talking gibberish again and that you obviously have no idea what fascism is.

      1. Fascism is the sort of rule we faced every day in partitioned Ulster Steve H.You are now looking to run candidates in Scotland from the evil Orange matey don’t question me about fascism I met and dealt with it head on in the streets of Occupied Ireland of the 1960s…and I have still got the scars to prove it from your fascist labour party government who unleashed the dogs on the civilian Catholic population who only ever wanted to be treated as citizens in their own country and be given “one man one vote….his this the sort of democracy your fascist endeavour plans for the working class of Britain?because from were I stand it all looks very similiar to the oppressive regimes that ran the shitshow in partitioned Ireland.

      2. you obviously have no idea what fascism is

        You do, though.

    1. The Sky Sports pundit and businessman was on the panel of a fringe event about the future of English football and recommendations made in a fan-led review of the game.

      “Later on, Neville took part in a discussion with Sir Keir, closing Monday’s events in the main conference hall and adding a touch of stardust to the occasion.”

      He might just be doing what his boss tells him. He obviously didn’t research the script he was given.

      “Get behind Keir Starmer,” Neville said. “He is a serious politician, someone who’s headed up a major department in the CPS, someone who is trustworthy and has integrity. All things that this current government don’t have.”

      1. “Labour’s former shadow chancellor has suggested leader Sir Keir Starmer was acting like a monarch in a rift over the party’s policy on electoral reform.

        “John McDonnell is backing a proposed change to Labour’s position on the UK’s voting system.

        “At Labour’s conference, he said policy decisions were taken democratically and “no-one is above that”.

        “But Sir Keir has said electoral reform was not a priority under his leadership.

        “The Labour leader is facing increasing pressure to drop the party’s historical support for the first-past-the-post voting system used for general elections in the UK.

        “MPs from all wings of the party have been urging him to instead embrace some level of proportional representation. Proportional representation, or PR, is the idea that the seats in Parliament should reflect the number of votes cast.

        “Democracies around the world use various polling methods that ensure that voters feel their vote counts – in some cases it is simply that they indicate a second-choice candidate that they can show their backing for once their preferred choice is out of the running. This is not strictly proportional representation but is often put forward by supporters of PR as a fairer method of representing voters’ wishes.

        “The Labour for a New Democracy campaign wants the leadership to back the introduction of PR its next election manifesto.

        “Labour members are set to debate support for this at Labour’s conference in Liverpool, where the proposal will be voted on this week.

        “But Labour sources have suggested that PR will not be put in the manifesto, even if members vote for it at conference.”

        Keir Starmer is the worst leader the party’s ever had. By a long chalk!

    2. Goldbach Shame about Gary Neville…..He will soon catch on though with the knight of the realm out of “control” and heading for drowning street….his hearts in the right place though and he realises that we can’t carry on with this destruction from the Torys

    1. I have heard that Starmers looking at a system of apparthied that was popular amongst the protestant population of Ulster that was rejected on the streets of Belfast and Derry by the catholics many years ago in the late 60s and brought down the government at Stormont….You can never go backwar mr H when the people have experienced change former comrade now enabler Steve H or whatever his disguise is nowadays?You really are a bunch of imbeciles if you think that a business should have a greater vote or a homeowner now “stakeholders” in the Tory knights version of democracy.should have another extra vote….obscene but coming to you from the labour friendly flying the flag of disunity.

      1. Joseph – I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, do you?
        Could you please put some flesh on the bones of your assertions and a link to your source.

  2. I’m not the one with the enormous chip on my shoulder.

    Perhaps not.

    But you ARE the only one on here with an enormous dick on your head.

  3. but I do think that short sighted naive people who have so little regard for the welfare of the vulnerable and nothing to offer but a trip to La-La-Land are a waste of space

    Says the prick who calls voting against a policy designed to allow children to go hungry:“A pointless gesture”

    Fucking helmet.

    1. Helmet indeed!
      “A report by the Institute of Health Equity (IHE), Fuel Poverty, Cold Homes and Health Inequalities, paints a devastating picture of living conditions for millions of UK families and their children.

      “The study was co-led by Professor Ian Sinha, Consultant Respiratory Paediatrician at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, Liverpool, and Sir Michael Marmot, the director of the UCL Institute of Health Equity. Currently Professor of Epidemiology and Public Health at University College London, Marmot is highly respected for his work leading research groups on health inequalities for over three decades.”

      Credit Harvey Thompson, Charlotte Salthill

    2. but I do think that short sighted naive people who have so little regard for the welfare of the vulnerable and nothing to offer but a trip to La-La-Land are a waste of space

      Ah, that must be Rachel ‘tougher on the welfare bill than the Tories’ Reeves?

  4. Yes steveh, Conference might have passed a motion supporting PR (when, 1906??), but as the broadly pro-starmer/WEF BBC article on starmer acting like a despotic monarch says, “But Labour sources have suggested that PR will not be put in the manifesto, even if members vote for it at conference.”

    See steveh, this is how Enter-ism works, an invading organism (WEF/Trilateral Commission/ Starmer) enters a target (Labour party), assumes functional power and destroys or denatures the target. If you can’t see that then you probably are assuming the role of a shill for the invading pathogens.

  5. “But Labour sources have suggested that PR will not be put in the manifesto, even if members vote for it at conference.”

    And there was everyone told by keef that: “Conference is sovereign when it is sitting

    Looks like Keir jong-un has shit on democracy AGAIN

    What’s it gotta take for people to wake the fook up?

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