Sky News reports demo for justice for unarmed black man shot by police as royalist march

Despicably misleading reporting by major news station

Sky News has this afternoon claimed that a mass march for justice over the murder of unarmed black man Chris Kaba by the Metropolitan Police was a march by royalists in honour of her and the new monarch. The prolonged description ignored the protest banners – and the fact that the crowd was almost entirely made up of black people:
The video was published on Twitter by Franklin Saint, who said he was ‘lost for words’.

Musician Chris Kaba’s car was chased down and rammed on Monday by police in Streatham, who then shot him dead. He was unarmed. The murder has received little media attention because of the death of the queen – and now a march to demand justice for his death has been coopted by the media as a supposed show of grief and support for an Establishment figure who died peacefully in her old age and surrounded by her family.

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