
Video: BBC presenter says fuel price crisis ‘insignigicant’ compared to Queen’s illness

Not to the millions facing poverty or freezing to death, it’s not, mate

BBC News presenter Clive Myrie said earlier today that the prospect of millions facing misery, poverty and even death – and the new Prime Minister’s possible proposals to solve it – were ‘insignificant’ compared to the news that doctors were worried about the Queen’s health.

The BBC journalist at Buckingham Palace at least had the sense to modify Myrie’s statement a little:

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  1. When I make comparisons between the staggeringly rich royal family after the death of the aged lady, and the large number of people who have died due to incomptence or austrity, apparently in wellknown national newspapers, I am “an unsavoury person” (and that was a milder form), and “celbrating the death odf the monarch (I wasn’t). It goes to show how conditioned to subservience large numbers of the population really are. That’s not just demeaning it is downright dangerous in the face of the politicians we have.

    1. Yes, I was told last night (I am writing this on the 9th) I was wrong to ‘upset’ people with my views about the monarchy and my thoughts on the Queen’s death. Okay to impose their views on me of course! I am bloody upset, fuming, and angry at the sycophancy and hypocrisy on show whilst the thousands of old people who died from Covid seem to have been long forgotten. And that’s not even mentioning those who have died at the ‘government’ and DWP’s hands over the past 12 years, and those who may well die over the winter months due to rising fuel and food costs.

  2. BBC idiot I very much doubt the the Queen would agree with subservient drivel all you are doing is stirring up people to hate the Queen

  3. Long live the hereditary class system!

    The lower born classes MUST know their place!

    Would any politician actually dare endorse that view, or even think that belief appropriate in 2022? If the parties daren’t say it then they shoudn’t endorse a system that enshrines it.

  4. An incredibly wealthy, elderly woman dies, aged 96, after brief illness, having surpassed the average life expectancy by a full fifteen years.

    Well it helps to enjoy such longevity if…

    She never waited for treatment on a trolley in a hospital corridor, or in a care home she had to sell her house for, to pay for her residence.(see below)

    Wasn’t unattended (by overworked, underpaid, physically and emotionally knackered medical staff) for hours or days on end.

    Never having to have done a vigorous, physically demanding job in her life… All that travelling must take it out of you if you’re flying ‘cattle class’ rather than on a private flight, and staying in fleapits, rather than palaces.

    Of course, never having changed a cacky nappy, nor made the (five course) breakfast, dinner or tea for her husband and four sprogs seven nights a week, after putting a shift in; or even having pushed the trolley – around fortnum’s rather than a foodbank – must help, no?

    Or having to constantly budget and buy the cheapest brand of margarine, instead of having the finest butter delivered to your staffed pantry…

    And having had several (all-inclusive to the max) holidays a year.

    …Never having to sweat a mortgage payment or utility bill, or even worry about a rent increase, or a no-fault eviction order for her many (several dozen-bedroomed, taxpayer owned and funded) abodes.

    Or having had to pawn the family silver down at cash converters to pay for Christmas

    And having a spare £12m lying around is always handy – especially if your nonce of an offspring gets caught in a bit of a pickle, isn’t it?

    But at least she volunteered to pay some tax (No inheritance tax, though) …for the last thirty years of her incredibly privileged life. (And despite her allegedly having no input on politics it didn’t stop her trying to get all sorts of other legal exemptions)

    Still, being made to listen to the dirge that is the national anthem ten times a day, day-in-day-out during her ‘working life’ must’ve been tortuous in itself. I guess I’d want a ransom like that, to put up with that.

    And as the ‘orrible john lydon sang: those tourists are money…

    And now it’s Brian’s turn…And it’ll be wall-to-wall nicholas bloody witchell (even the royals themselves can’t stomach him) on the telly for the next few weeks.

    So forgive me if I say ‘meh’.

  5. Toffee I have travelled “cattle class long haul and stayed in very cheap and cheerful accommodation ,the only place I have ever been fleabitten was in a Posh timeshare in Torquey Britain were two lots of us in seperate rooms were covered in bedbugs and overun with ants in the kitchen..When I asked for a cleaner and a change of bedding,they delivered a dust pan and brush and a can of ant spray…..I ended up in a supermarket and a laundry and came back with a bottle of bleach and a mop bucket…..Happy ☺days playing the posh boy…Now about the weather?

    1. ,the only place I have ever been fleabitten was in a Posh timeshare in Torquey Britain were two lots of us in seperate rooms were covered in bedbugs and overun with ants in the kitchen..When I asked for a cleaner and a change of bedding,they delivered a dust pan and brush and a can of ant spray…

      Wasn’t run by a certain Basil Fawlty, was it? 😋

  6. OK, I’m going to make myself unpopular – again.

    I’ve listened, carefully, to what Clive Myrie said, and I think he ‘tripped over the moment’.

    In using the word ‘insignificant’, was he comparing the death of the Queen with The Energy Crisis, which affects every one of us

    – or –

    was his comparison comparing the death of the Queen, with Liz Trusses Statement, on The Energy Crisis and her – just announced – remedy for it – which, I think we can all agree, for once, was a load of bollocks?

  7. I wonder how much the State funeral is going to cost us. Because make no mistake it is us who would be paying.

  8. A few years ago, Clive Myrie did a radio documentary series about Martin Luther King.

    The programme mentioned FBI harassment and then repeated the nonsense claim that James Earl Ray was the assassin.

    But if the FBI harassed him, would that not make the Bureau a suspect in his death?
    Yes, of course it would.

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