Survation poll shows continuing massive support for the renationalisation that Starmer refuses

Why is no political leader interested in representing the national will?

A new poll by Survation for ‘WeOwnIt’ shows that support for renationalising energy and every other key utility is huge among the public of all political persuasions, with seven out of ten people wanting to see sectors privatised by successive governments brought back fully into public hands:

Yet no political leader shows the remotest inclination to act on it in the nation’s obvious interest – nor is the media seriously discussing the option, as the Bath Ordinary Left group pointed out:

‘Labour leader’ Keir Starmer bears the greatest responsibility for persistently refusing the idea, because he fooled Labour members into voting him into his position by promising that he would bring them back into public ownership and honour the party’s previous two election manifestos. Ironically, and with the help of his friends in the media, he still claims to represent ‘integrity’ despite shredding every promise he made during the leadership campaign.

The UK’s democracy is broken – and neither Starmer nor any other parliamentary figure in a position to do anything about it has any intention of doing so, instead appearing completely vested in maintaining the unequal, grossly exploitative status quo.

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