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Labour’s own complaints website makes Starmer’s ‘hierarchy of racism’ clear

Party offers specific section for antisemitism complaints – but complaints of any other form of racism are lumped into the general complaints form

Keir Starmer’s faction maintains a clear and contemptible hierarchy of racism

The Forde Report commissioned by Keir Starmer confirmed what many have known all along – and Starmer continues to refuse to accept: that Labour right that now rules the party operates a clear and contemptible ‘hierarchy of racism’ in which antisemitism is prioritised above any of the far more prevalent forms of racism rampant among the party’s right-wingers:

One of several sections of the Forde report on the right’s hierarchy of racism

Black, Muslim and other anti-racism activists point out that racism against black people, Muslims, Gypsy-Roma people and other minority groups runs unchecked among the Labour right and is far more prevalent in the party currently than antisemitism ever was – and one activist drew Skwawkbox’s attention to the fact that the clear prioritisation of one form of racism above all others is clear in the party’s own website.

Labour’s complaints page contains buttons for three categories of complaint – a general complaints tab, one for sexual harassment and one for antisemitism complaints:

While antisemitism complaints stand alone in their own dedicated category, complaints about any other form of racism – again, far more rampant among the Labour right than antisemitism ever was on the left – and misogyny have no obvious destination and have to be lumped together via the general ‘Make a Complaint’ section.

The Birmingham section of Labour’s BAME (Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic) group pointed out one of the very clear issues with this:

If anything could more neatly encapsulate the obvious bias and ‘hierarchy of racism’ confirmed by the Forde Inquiry, it’s hard to imagine what it is.

Keir Starmer’s Labour is a racist regime.

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  1. What these Wankers have done to our movement and party! I fucking detest the lot of them and wish them nothing but Hell!!!.

    1. Who sodding cares? What does Keith say? Oh that’s right as his gob-piece of choice here Ha HA! Your here to lie and deceive for him, oh sorry purely on your own behest (According to you!)

      Anyhow lets get to the BS of the day shall we oh yes the usual line wah wah wah… what did JC do? Well as the past leader it’s not important is it, I could ask what did the evil Blair do then? It’s that stupid a question!

      We are here now dealing with Keith and CO no one else. Things that happened in the past have bugger all bearing on NOW! But of course you don’t want to talk about Keith his actions and screw ups nope it’s all and only what did JC did!!! Sigh….

      Sad really this broken record approach in all my years online and seeing many many trolls since the 1980’s I can honestly say your the most unleavable not once have I seen you even come close to convincing another your correct.

      Oh well as long as you get paid I guess that’s all that matters. Well have a fantastic right wing trolling evening then say Hi to Keith from us!

    2. The previous administration aren’t responsible for the complaints system and haven’t been for well over two years, you unabashed racist, nonce apologist.

    3. Well, it was the right’s Ian McNicol who was responsible for the page for most of that time, so let’s ask him.

      By the time Jenny Formby took over, the anti-semitism bandwagon was so powerful that any attempt to suggest other forms of racism were also important would have been damned as more denial.

      1. Well, it was the right’s Ian McNicol who was responsible for the page for most of that time, and the 80% Sabotaging PARASITE Party Neo-Labour PLP, who prevented ANY & ALL positive progress in order to KILL the HOST Party The UK Labour Party, so let’s ask them.

    4. Two Cheeks
      Your man is the lowest form of anti semite there is, we have it from the horses mouth
      Has he referred himself
      Which part of the EHRC and Forde did he not get
      The Labour movement need to make a move

  2. Straight from the horse’s mouth: Keir Starmer’s Labour is a racist regime.

    One of the most disturbing features of racism is that those who embody it rarely seem to recognise it in themselves. It disturbs me to see this so clearly in Starmer’s Labour party and I wonder how remaining members don’t see this.
    The party’s ‘hierarchy of racism’ tells us two things about the leadership:

    i) that they believe their own lie that being pro-Palestinian is anti-Semitic, and

    ii) that disapproving of apartheid policies by an occupying power (in Israel) is the only form of racism that exists in Labour.

    Like addicts who never admits an addiction until they recognise the problems it causes them, Labour under Starmer seems particularly unlikely to even admit (or remedy) its racism and thus it will steadily increase. Please, remaining members, challenge Starmer and the harm he is doing to Labour.

  3. Only totally evil people would have absolutely no qualms about causing concern and consternation in the Jewish population in their quest to destroy Jeremy Corbyn. And in the first place transform a lifelong anti-rascist into an anti-semite.

    AND….. subvert democracy deliberately by doing so.

    1. Didn’t Wiesselstein(?) rate JC Nr4 Most Antisemitic Man on earth.
      It shows what that foundation is all about.
      Fancy rating “Racists” like the Music Charts’ Top 100.
      I wonder what the most Racist Zionists’ Top 100 ‘Charts’ would look like.

  4. The fact that the only form of racism Starmer’s Labour is concerned about is antisemitism is understandable enough given that Starmer and Rayner are both Friends of Israel and Starmer at least is also a fervent Zionist. Naturally they consider any criticism of Israeli excesses against Palestinians and/or criticism of its its Apartheid regime to be antisemitism. It isn’t of course. Justified criticism of the Israeli government is not hatred of Jews any more than justified criticism of the Spanish government is hatred of Catholics or the Swiss government hatred of Protestants. However Starmer is so obsessed with Zionism and supporting Israel unconditionally that he can’t see that and as a result he is offending and alienating other groups such as our Black and Muslim brothers and sisters who face racism every day and whose complaints are ignored .
    Similarly the party’s failure to confront misogyny is deplorable while its well documented mistreatment of BAME women is nothing less than disgraceful.
    I and many others find all of this very difficult to reconcile with our traditional Labour values. I have no doubt whatsoever that this difficulty will be a major factor for a large number of Labour members and supporters come the next general election.

    1. IT would seem strange that starmer should seek to encourage Antisemitism inside the labour party were it was only a dreamt up scam to rid the party of socialism.
      .Setting up discrimination officially in the labour party by alienating different groups would seem a strange way to build a different labour party..I am sure that taking a much broader veiw of Why they would set up this official apparthied will be answered no doubt in the future .which in the labour party is limited by time.

  5. Admin Grey Swans as a 1950s born pension campaigner, made the fatal error of becoming a party member and going to local branch and national meetings and Labour events. All demonstrated, whatever the party faction, sexism against women (misogyny).

    Women’s issues downgraded, with even the formal Women’s Officer not part of the local branch executive, neither the BAME officer. Even if the Women’s Officer was BAME herself.

    Sadly this led me to research the history of what happened to us lady victims of pension theft, to find that right wing Labour in government or in opposition had been worse against us women pensioners and 1950s to 1980s born ladies, than the Tories, and Lib Dems worse still (a merger of right wing Labour with Liberals).

    The only governments that delivered to us were Clement Attlee and Harold Wilson. Foot tried but right wing Labour sabotaged him in 1983 general election.

    I saw at a national women’s Labour conference, how the audience would not listen quietly to the WASPI ladies, but would listen to a trans who still had male powerful muscular neck and shoulders. He / she gave an impassioned male speech so held the audience’s attention.

    No young so-called feminist rose up in revolt at this so-called women’s conference, to national Labour (even when this was under the Corbyn leadership years) imposing only a 2 motion quota on this women’s conference, when ALL solely women’s issues alone should have been dealt with by that women’s conference.

    Admin Grey Swans seeks moral support, please, for creation of a new Over 50s (saves all ages) party, which would be the greatest Suffragette party in UK history from your grand-daughter to your grandmother.

    www over50sparty org uk end-discrimination-against-women

    1. Wilson and Atlee should not to get all the credit for what Labour did in their terms.
      Although nowhere near as toxic as The Thatcherite Globalist Neoliberal Neo-Labour Party TORIES, dragged in behind BLiar, when it gnawed its way into Parliament. Still we must not forget Wilson was a staunch Zionist and supplied Israel the Tanks that swung and ended the six day war, causing today’s missery to the Palestinians. And Atlee was anti-Socialist, it was Bevan and other Labour figures who made their successes.
      The sad thing for us is that digital age didn’t happen in 1890 and Hardie didn’t have the tools like Crowd Funding, etc that we have today. Just imagine if he didn’t have turn a blind eye to pretentious Greedmongers, Fascists and Warmongers, for funds to keep the party going. That is the only reason why we have a Parasite Party within and he had the Parasite Class within back in the day.
      He didn’t and The Thatcherite Neoliberal Neo-Labour Party TORIES won both GE2017 & GE2019 and finally killed The UK Labour Party on 13 December 2019.
      Now we need to get rid of them so that The PEOPLE, The Independents, Small Parties and The Unions can start again from scratch with lesons learnt and Parasite Party SABOTAGE FREE!

  6. That Voltaire quote about criticism springs to mind more and more. Still, I’m sure labour will do fine prioritising 0.5% of the UK

  7. We were asked, earlier “What did this page say under the previous administration?”
    The one complaint that I made was in the late Miliband days/early Corbyn days. (i.e. It was made about an incident in the Miliband days but the response didn’t arrive until after Corbyn was elected.
    There were no separate categories in those days.
    If the question was asked to elicit the information, I am pleased that I have supplied it.
    I suspect that the motive was otherwise, though.

  8. What’s so special about anti-Semitism in comparison with any other forms of siscrimination?

    1. Absolutely NOTHING, linguistics have a lot to answer for, however as things got out of hand for the lay person the term Racism covers everything Race related, but is somewhat redundant, Xenophobia would be a much more accurate description today for, Specific Race, Culture, Religion Hate, etc to all fall under one simple description ‘to hate another Human for being who they are, by choice, geography or by biology’.
      As a Non-Jew, looking in, it frightens me, when I see the anger it has caused among, left and right minded individuals. The ‘preferential treatment’ of one minority over all others is racist in itself. The IHRA is a racist political tool and exacerbates racism.
      To me abusing racism of any sort for ulterior motives is sick twisted and racist to your own abused race. To accuse other Jews and most frighteningly Holocaust Survivors of Antisemitism, is just plain Vulgar.
      Jewish people will stand up to this racism of BlueKeef and The Neo-Labour Party TORIES and I sincerely hope and believe, that there are still enough of us left who will stand firmly with our Jewish Comrades against the Zionist onslaught that will follow.

  9. I listened to Dave Nellist on LBC late last night as he ran rings around the presenter’s (Nick Abbott) tired right wing cliches about Starmer’s Labour now being electable, unlike Socialism & Jeremy Corbyn. The case was made quite beautifully for a new New Labour Party that works in the interests of the British people & it starts again with the Trade Unions…. where there’s a will?

    1. It does, indeed, start with the Trades Unions.
      I am reminded of something I should have posted ages ago in response to a moronic question about naming One pledge that Starmer has broken.
      Pledge number 7
      “7. Strengthen workers’ rights and trade unions
      Work shoulder to shoulder with trade unions to stand up for working people, tackle insecure work and low pay. Repeal the Trade Union Act. Oppose Tory attacks on the right to take industrial action and the weakening of workplace rights.”
      And there was I , thinking that Starmer had instructed shadow ministers not to stand on RMT picket lines.
      Mick Lynch made the same points as Nellist, on an interview on PoliticsJoe

      1. But but but but but…..credible alternative…the left….lost deposit….Corbyn…Green papers…Prove it if you can…You are of course entitled to your opinion…it’s not my fault….projecting your opinion onto others…who are you trying to concince…sir keir…Playground taunts. .see my posts…Formby ..Your expert contribution…20% loss of membership because of Corbyn…`.

        And so on and so forth.. and infinitum ad nauseam

  10. The UK Labour Party, RIP 13 December 2019! Murdered by the SABOTAGING Parasite Party the Thatcherite Globalist Neo-Labour Party TORIES!
    If you’re not White European, Zionist, Wealthy, anti-Socialist, Thatcher/Reagan’s flavour of Globalist Neoliberalist and TORY, you are simply not welcome in The Neo-Labour Party!
    If you are Black, Muslim, Fringe Jew, a Woman or a Socialist, and found to be in that Neo-Labour TORY Party, they will hunt you down like an animal, and attempt to rip you to pieces like hounds their prey!

  11. Labour party claims about investigating the LP official denigrating Muslim voters for Starmers actions on anti Semitism I suspect will go no further than my complaint against Tony Blair and many other legitimate complaints, they will be ignored. Here are some of the lies inherent in their rules… “We hope you won’t have cause for complaint, but if you do we aim to deal with the concern in a prompt, transparent and fair manner” Below is my complaint which has gone unanswered for over two years, would the Board of Deputies have to wait so long?
    To Labour party complaints department.
    Dear Sir/Madam,
    I made a complaint online to you on 6th June 2019 about Mr Tony Blair calling Mr Jeremy Corbyn “an Anti-Semite” I did receive an acknowledgement which said the complaint would be sent to the relevant department, could I add these observations to my complaint.
    During an interview at Bar Ilan university in Israel on 4th June 2019 Mr Tony Blair made a factually false allegation of Anti-Semitism against Jeremy Corbyn. When answering a question… “if he believed Corbyn himself was Anti-Semitic, Mr Blair said yes” Mr Blair did not refer to any specific allegation of Anti-Semitism against Mr Corbyn.
    A gratuitous and false accusation such as this without providing evidence is a grave breach of an ordinary person’s rights and does bring the Labour party into disrepute in breach of its own rules, it could also ostracize that person from society for life, in the case of Mr Corbyn a life time believer in anti-racism he could be forced out of his leadership and the country deprived of a Labour government, so the stakes are extremely high.
    Could Blair’s false allegation have any effect on Labour Party members or the average voter? Of course it could, because Mr Blair has a very high profile and having served as leader and Prime Minister of the Labour party for 13 years and Envoy to the Middle East quartet for many years, his views have enormous credibility, plus he is a lawyer, so he should know his words have consequences.
    Would the average voter believe Mr Blair? Yes, because of his high profile and credibility over many years people are inclined to say, why would Mr Blair tell lies? What could he possibly gain? Obviously nothing, so people would tend to believe him. Could you expedite this matter as soon as possible. Thank you.
    Harry Law. STILL WAITING The Labour party have done nothing in well over 3 years yet a complaint from the Board of Deputies would be acted upon immediately.

  12. Mike Cushman, a co-founder of JVL told the Morning Star: “It has been very painful for so many of our Jewish members to be accused of anti-Semitism merely for believing that the current Israeli state is oppressing Palestinians and breaking international law and human rights conventions on a daily basis — or just for questioning what the party calls its successful anti-racism campaign.

    “It is worse when these accusations are made and left hanging for months or even years.

    “Forde doesn’t tell us if this is because of incompetence or from a deliberate policy of hurt and humiliation. Either is unacceptable.” (Article here)

    Credit to John McDonnell for championing Labour’s well-evidenced and factional anti-Semitism and laying the charge at the feet of Starmer and David Evans.

    1. I can confirm that, as a non-Jews it was also very painful to be accused of being an Antisemite day in and day out, for standing up for Jews accused of Antisemitism and being Self Hating Jews, for being a Socialist, being a Supporter of Corbyn, Supporting Palestine and condemning Apartheid.
      I think we all suffered a level of PTSD by the hands of the Neo-Labour Party Saboteurs and Zionists.
      At the end of the day, so long as all the right people are still there, standing shoulder to shoulder and keep on picking up and raising the standard high, the good will prevail!

  13. At the highest level – Today’s Labour Party is bought-and-paid-for by the Zionist lobby and the Trilateral Commission.
    How else can we explain the party’s abandonment of the oppressed Palestinian People and the abandonment of the trade unions at home ?
    It has been clear for a long time that anti-Semitism sits at the top of Labour’s pyramid of racism.
    Many of us have known for ages that the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism was contrived and bogus, and was simply a device invented to attack the left of the Party for factional advantage.

  14. Apropos Grey Swan’s posting ..

    Am afraid that women’s concerns have
    been down-graded in favour of Transactivist
    concerns – and this was true too under
    Corbyn as as currently.

    There appeared to be no effort at thinking things
    through sensibly and logically. All we got was
    parroted slogans: “Transwomen are women”
    -whatever that means? The worst was when
    a 21 year old trans activist was awarded a
    coveted Labour Party women’s training
    place and many women left at this time.

    This view to some extent infected even
    our corner of the Labour Party. However
    in other respects our CLP was not the same
    as Grey Swan’s and was very careful about
    BAME rights. Apart from the myopia
    concerning trans women they were careful
    too about women rights.

    The tide seems to be turning now .. with
    more care and thought going into gender
    issues and the closing down of the NHS
    Tavistock clinic. Medication which
    suppresses puberty should hopefully
    be greatly reduced after criticism and
    care distributed over many regional clinics.

  15. Hmmm…

    Allies of Nandy have made it clear they did not seek “permission” from Starmer’s office to attend – but informed them in advance

    Its like a kid going the park without telling their mother ffs….Anyway….

    Two other frontbenchers also visited CWU pickets, the shadow employment minister, Imran Hussain, in Bradford and the Labour whip Navendu Mishra in Stockport. Both are expected to be spoken to but not sacked.

    Not sacked? Oh my keef, you’re on the rocky road to ruin…Must keep discipline by showing consistency…

    Starmer has previously told shadow frontbenchers they should not join picket lines. “The Labour party in opposition needs to be the Labour party in power and a government doesn’t go on picket lines,” he said last week.

    A labour party on opposition needs to be a party in government???

    And how do you go about winning votes, keef? By going the same things as the government you apsire to replace?


    SACK NANDY (And the other two….if you dare!!)

    1. Their attendance is nothing but Careerist Spin, there is no solidarity value to their attendance.
      Its just for a splash in the MSM, in an attempt to save their buts at the upcoming snap election.
      I hope they made “policy” on the fly, now that would get sticky for BlueKeef!

      1. Their attendance is nothing but Careerist Spin, there is no solidarity value to their attendance.

        Indeed. A cack attempt to pull the wool…If anyone bought it. (More fool them)

        Shouldn’t stop keef from dismissing the odious nandy from its post though. It’s a far bigger undermining than tarry was, shows ambiguity, disloyalty to the fuhrer and leadership intentions (don’t laugh)

        Permission or not, prior information or not… Keef said NO and MUST show consistency.

      2. Yup, he must, but he won’t, like everything else in our, The PEOPLE’S lives, these days just, meaningless, senseless, idiocratic, gobbledegook.
        However if Tarry has any smart about him he could probably sue for a handsome sum, should BlueKeef not act, but Tarry won’t act either, not if he and Occasional “Socialist” ShootFirstRaynor want to stay connected with their Elitist Establishment chums.

  16. I couldn’t get your link to work properly Toffee.

    I hope this does ?

    Sorry to divert from topic – but after reading that article
    it seems to me that Starmer’s sacking of
    Tarry is his spiteful attack on Rayner. He can’t sack her
    so he gets his own back by sacking her lover. Evidently
    he feels threatened by her.

    For what its worth I dont think she is a threat – she
    wouldn’t suit either left or right with her flip-flopping ..

    One more example of his useless politicking

  17. I tune in to this site as many know regular and often in the dark hours and overnight for the western time zone.ITs very inspirational to see so many in Britain and Ireland who are a reflection of decent human beings even if we dont agree on everything..The dignity of humanity and especially the working class is in a perilous state with life machines switched off because life is no longer a priority for those who govern us
    Euthanasia is rampant in care homes and the NHS amongst the vulnerable and disadvantaged..We might wonder how we reached this stage in humanity that human beings are a commodity…or garbage to be dumped.Women and children are under threat from political interference in gender and sexuality is being exploited to the limits of tolerance.We have reached a point where a senile old molester is charged with guiding the new world order and a elderly old lady has plans to cause a nucluer war in S.East Asia Pacific.over a Chinese country and doing it to deflect her familys corruption in the Ukraine and Poland.How as it come to this with so many good people who realise that the world is on the edge of inhalation..The Sun has risin many hours ago in Cambodia and I wonder if it will continue much longer with this war madness and the rule of depraved and immoral human beings in control of our lives and existence.

    1. “We might wonder how we reached this stage in humanity that human beings are a commodity…or garbage to be dumped.Women and children are under threat from political interference in gender and sexuality……”

      Indeed! “In the UK there was an “unprecedented” rise in “illegal” DNRs for disabled people, GP surgeries sent out letters to non-terminal patients recommending they sign DNR orders, whilst other doctors signed “blanket DNRs” for entire nursing homes.”

      Sorry that it could upset or anger you Joseph, but to add sources that support your (completely warranted) hypothesis, please read fact 7 in the crib sheet.

      Who was it that said ‘never let a good crisis (even an engineered one) go to waste…’

      1. qwertboi and nellyskelly its dispair I might have been feeling like many others who have seen the light like you and realise the implications for the human race on this planet.Still in my old bones I feel that somthing good must happen soon and this evil infecting the world will be answered for in spades….and the lashback against tyranny will be soon
        .Until then I dig
        in and wait for the chance to exercise my human rights to travel on a aeroplane and visit relatives to wind up my papers in Britain,France and the USA.without a covid jab or a test inserted into the membrane of my nose and into my brain….god willing?…I will not be intimidated at my time of life as life is precious for all of us including the working class.of which I am a proud member despite being invisible to the elite league.

    1. We queue up to work in their factories, without any consciousness, no matter how destructive to humanity, the product we manufacture for them, be that bombs to blow up children or iPhones.
      Then we queue up fot their Wars to kill our brothers and sisters. While they do no more than play a game!

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