Video: BBC edits out boos from replay of Johnson’s arrival at Jubilee event – not the first time they’ve covered for him

Not the BBC’s first visit to the ‘cover-up roadshow’

A Skwawkbox reported yesterday, Boris Johnson and his wife were loudly booed by a crowd of flag-waving royalists as they arrived for the queen’s jubilee celebration yesterday.

The boos caught the BBC out during the live coverage of his arrival – but when the footage was replayed later, the BBC had edited the soundtrack to mute the show of public detestation – and it was either replaced by generic crowd sounds or the background hum of the crowd behind the commentator was allowed to come through to complete the illusion:

This is not the BBC’s first time around the cover-up block. In 2019, when a dishevelled-looking Johnson made multiple cock-ups during his attempt to lay a wreath at the Cenotaph for that year’s Remembrance Day service, the BBC ‘accidentally’ inserted footage of his more conventional 2016 appearance to cover for him. Journalists who had worked at the broadcaster and understood its archiving sytems said that the BBC’s claim the footage had been used in error was ‘impossible’.

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