Labour expels Liverpool legend Gibbons ahead of formation of new independent council group

Labour have expelled Liverpool left-wing councillor Alan Gibbons, the leading Liverpool anti-racism campaigner who voted against the right-wing regime’s cuts budget earlier this year.

The party is claiming the expulsion is part of its anti-justice retrospective campaign of expulsions for old support of now-banned left-wing groups, but Gibbons has described it as ‘suspicious’ timing when suspended and expelled councillors in the city are set to join forces this week with colleagues who have resigned in disgust at the leadership’s embrace of hard right policies, to form a new independent group on the city’s council. The new grouping would stand within a whisker of forming the official opposition on Liverpool’s Council.

Gibbons is a Liverpool Labour legend who has rallied the left to kick out the extreme right from the city and who dealt with his grief over his son’s tragic death by campaigning even harder for a Corbyn government and for the real change the UK so desperately needs.

Councillors from the new group are scheduled to appear on Socialist Telly on Tuesday night at 8pm.

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