‘Red wall’ voters want Corbyn back, while Blair hated. So obviously Starmer imitates Blair

The sickness of Labour in two examples

Jeremy Corbyn is the choice of voters in so-called ‘red wall’ seats to lead Labour after Keir Starmer. A Deltapoll poll has shown that Corbyn joint-top among voters in the seats – all voters, not just Labour – that Labour lost in 2019 over the Starmer-made Brexit u-turn.

This is no surprise to those who maintained an honesty about the reasons Labour lost the seats – but of course, the Labour right and their media friends have been desperately rewriting history since then to claim that Jeremy Corbyn was the issue. So the new poll will come as a bit of a blow to them.

Meanwhile, an online petition for the removal of ‘Thatcher’s child’, former party leader Tony Blair, has roared to almost 600,000 signatures – and a look at the counter suggests more than one new signature every second still being added. Since only a relatively small portion of the people who despise Blair will get round to signing the petition, it seems the warmongering former PM who piled debt onto the NHS, was hammered by the Chilcott inquiry and was depicted as George Bush’s poodle by the late George Michael is hated by millions. Who’d have guessed?

So of course, Keir Starmer – who needs to win back ‘red wall’ seats to ever get into Downing Street – is doing his best to imitate Blair and couldn’t dump the Corbyn policies fast enough that he’d promised to maintain in order to get himself elected as leader in the first place.

Starmer has even shown no sign of peeling himself away from the toxic former Blair adviser Peter Mandelson, despite Mandelson’s two resignations in disgrace from Tony Blair’s Cabinet and his appearance – with multiple telephone numbers and two addresses – in Jeffrey Epstein’s address book, even with Epstein high in the news again following last week’s conviction of Ghislaine Maxwell.

And as icing on the cake, he has today told TV viewers that Blair deserves his knighthood. Finger on the pulse – you couldn’t make it up.

Of course, Jeremy Corbyn will never again be Labour leader. It’s unlikely he’ll even be a Labour MP again, which is a prerequisite for a big – likely one of the reasons the party’s right is so eager to keep him out – but even if he could stand, Jeremy is unlikely to wish to step back into the whirlwind of smears and hate that has only abated a little even after he stepped down as leader, so feared is he by those who want to maintain the status quo.

But the poll shows what Starmer and his fellow ostrich-necked right-wingers don’t want to acknowledge: the public wants change and values politicians who actually stand for something and don’t trust weasels and spot-changers – though of course Starmer’s string of disastrous by-election results had already made that clear.

The Labour party is a diseased thing under the right-wing regime – and those in charge have no interest in healing it.

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