Exclusive: ‘Conference only sovereign while it’s in session’ – Starmer/Evans’s excuse for ignoring motions

Labour right plumbs new depths in its determination to disenfranchise and disempower members and unions

As a supposedly democratic institution, under Labour’s rules, the party’s supreme authority is not Keir Starmer. It’s certainly not David Evans, nor even the National Executive Committee (NEC). It’s the party’s annual conference – which is why the Labour right went to such extremes to rig the vote to protect David Evans from rejection by conference in Brighton last September.

But that conference also strongly backed a motion to support sanctions against Israel because of its apartheid regime and its treatment of Palestinians. And both Keir Starmer and his then-foreign affairs spokeswoman Lisa Nandy immediately said they rejected it – and certainly did nothing to implement the democratic decision by Labour’s supposedly sovereign body.

And the right’s excuse for this arrogance?

Well, according to them – as advised to members of the NEC after this high-handed and self-entitled behaviour was questioned during a recent NEC meeting – conference is sovereign. But only when it’s actually in session.

In other words, any decision made by the representatives of Labour’s millions of union affiliates and rapidly-dwindling membership are binding – for the four or so days a year that conference actually meets. The rest of the time, Starmer and his henchpeople are free to do, say and decide whatever the hell they feel like, without regard for party democracy.

Of course, Starmer and Nandy didn’t even wait that long before dismissing the Israel sanction vote, but there you go.

Democracy has been gutted, p***ed on and cast aside by the current Labour regime. And naturally, their media pals are saying not a word about it.

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