Farage done up like a kipper AGAIN with another Irish Republican ‘cameo message’

‘Bringer of madness and oblivion’ repeats lyrics of song commemorating 1957 IRA dawn raid

Former UKIP leader Nigel Farage has been caught out for a third time by Irish pranksters conning him into making comments supporting the IRA.

After ‘up the ra’ in the first paid ‘cameo’ video and ‘Chucky Arlaw’ (‘a day will come’ in Irish in a happy birthday to Gerry Adams, Farage has now been filmed wishing good luck to a ‘gallant band’ on an overnight trek led by Seán South, in a message ‘from Gary Owen’:

Seán South was an IRA volunteer who was killed in a dawn atttack on an RUC police station after hiking across mountains into Fermanagh. The ‘leader of that gallant band’ is a reference to the lyrics of a song written to commemorate the raid, ‘Seán South of Garryowen’.

The ‘Oma Dawn’ Farage repeats at the beginning of the cameo is ‘amadán‘, an Irish insult meaning ‘idiot’ – or more darkly, the ‘bringer of madness and oblivion’.

Farage might be fractionally less unhappy at falling for this one, since South was a hardline right-winger with links to fascism who had written attacking the ‘Jewish and Masonic executives’ of Hollywood film companies. Farage was condemned last year for comments about Jewish financiers.

But for the moment at least, Ireland is enjoying a laugh at his expense.

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