Coyle embarrasses himself as dig at Burnham backfires

Snark about transport costs comes back to bite Labour right-winger

Neil Coyle is not exactly a stranger to seeing his attempts to attack the left backfire embarrassingly – and today was not the exception.

When Andy Burnham commented on the high cost of poor public transport in the north and called for ‘London-level fares’ to be extended north, Coyle couldn’t resist an attempted put-down:

Sadly for Mr Coyle, that was rapidly shown to be untrue – and this was communicated to him and to the world in no uncertain terms by Mike Symonds:

Matt Broadley chipped in with the obvious observation:

Burnham himself responded, pointing out the unlikelihood of Labour ever winning back working-class northern towns with MPs like Coyle allowed out:

Neil Coyle’s recent embarrassments include an attempt to have his former party leader Jeremy Corbyn – to whom Coyle is on record sending a number of bizarre love-hate tweets, some castigating Corbyn and some asking him for a drink – done for not reporting donations. His complaint was dismissed in full by the Parliamentary Standards Commissioner.

Coyle has also been the subject of complaints over bullying behaviour and was panned by local Labour members and had to apologise to a neighbouring MP for his destructive conduct, after they had campaigned hard to save his seat for Labour in 2017. His track record also includes having drinks on the Commons terrace bar with a notorious right-winger suspended for tweeting about the rape and beheading of then-Shadow Foreign Secretary Emily Thornberry.

Perhaps most shamefully of all, when Keir Starmer escalated his attack on Labour members by proscribing several groups, Coyle called for a whole group of left-wing Jews to be automatically expelled too.

So today is in many ways just another day at the office for the right-winger. Will he ever learn to avoid showing himself up?

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