Apparently this video shows Corbyn ‘photobombing’ Rayner – with her unaware of his presence

Rayner’s excuse falls apart

When deputy Labour leader Angela Rayner faced criticism from the usual suspects this week for appearing with former party leader Jeremy Corbyn to promote Barry Gardiner’s bill against the vile ‘fire and rehire’ tactics used to drive down workers’ pay and conditions, a ‘source close’ to her told a news site that:

Corbyn photobombed her by sliding into the shot unnoticed.

This is Corbyn ‘sliding into the shot unnoticed’ – and Rayner’s ‘not noticing’:

The source also reportedly claimed that:

Angela did not talk to him.

Ms Rayner not talking to Corbyn during Barry Gardiner’s launch event

Rayner is now said to be trying to get support from Labour MPs for a leadership bid after yet another of Starmer’s ever more disastrous weeks and a result in Chesham and Amersham that is the party’s worst in its entire history.

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