Turner no response to questions about Beckett offers despite 4 avenues tried – yet tweet shows he is online

Campaign drones buzzing trying to negate proof of Beckett’s high ground – but candidate himself not responding to media questions despite tweet showing he is online, nor is third candidate Sharon Graham

After Skwawkbox’s exclusive revelation this afternoon that left favourite Howard Beckett made at least four offers to resolve the Unite candidacy, Evolve Politics picked up the story and attempted to run with it, tweeting about the offers and attempting to contact Beckett’s rival Steve Turner about Beckett’s offers and his refusal to accept any of them for the sake of the movement.

Without success:

Yet this evening Turner has been active on his Twitter account, confirming that he is online and not incommunicado:

Evolve received delivery and read ‘ticks’ for the two WhatsApp messages sent and could see that Turner (or whoever carries the two numbers listed on his website) has been on WhatsApp since the messages were sent:

The outlet also tried to contact Sharon Graham for comment on her own refusal to engage – but also without success:

Turner’s campaign ‘drones’ have been all over the Beckett story since it broke, frantically trying to kill or tarnish it. Yet from their candidate himself, despite other activity on social media, not a word.

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