Breaking: Cummings WhatsApp messages show Johnson calling Hancock ‘totally f***ing hopeless’

Yet Johnson didn’t sack the hopeless Health Secretary as tens of thousands died needlessly

WhatsApp messages released today by former Downing Street puppeteer Dominic Cummings reveal that Boris Johnson called Health Secretary Matt Hancock “totally f***ing hopeless”:

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The message dates to March last year, just after the first UK lockdown began. In the months that followed, 150,000 people or more died needlessly (New Zealand swa just 26 deaths in the same period).

Johnson left Hancock in charge as football-stadiums worth of people died, utterly pointlessly – driving the PPE scandal, the mass deaths in care homes caused by deliberate Tory policy and all the other murderous acts and omission.

But we shouldn’t be surprised, when Johnson said later in the year that he would rather see bodies piled high in the streets than institute another lockdown – and refused last summer to express regret for the 25,000 people his policies had killed by that point.

And Cummings kept his silence all that time too.

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