Starmer spotted in video game as ‘$3 Boris Johnson’ on Wish ad

‘Roblox’ game bus shelter ad throws shade on Labour ‘leader’. Perhaps it’s still a step up

Keir Starmer has been portrayed in a video game – but it’s not a sign that the Labour ‘leader’ has achieved any positive ‘cut-through’ with his recent attempts to make himself more memorable, let alone more attractive to voters.

Starmer was spotted in a ‘bus simulator game’ on Roblox, a platform that apparently allows users to play games created by others as well as to programme their own games – but he appears on the side of a bus shelter, advertised as a $3.00 ‘Boris Johnson’ sold by e-commerce company Wish:

“Get your very own Boris Johnson today!” – for just $3

The ad sparked hilarity, with many wondering why on earth anyone would want Starmer even for three dollars – although one or two did say they’d feel it was rude not to at such a price.

As a piece of satire, however obscure, it hits home hard. Just perhaps, though, with a new by-election underway after his Hartlepool disaster and members across the country voting no confidence in him, Starmer’s desperate enough to cling to it as a step up from his recent reality.

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