Starmer THIRTY-SIX points behind Tories among working-class voters – and FIFTY-THREE among working-class leavers

Starmer’s Labour dropping like a stone – and personal ratings also abysmal

Keir Starmer’s Labour now sits an appalling eighteen points behind the Tories led by a man responsible for 150,000 needless UK deaths in the past year, according to the latest YouGov poll:

The right-wing claim that Labour ‘would be 20 points ahead with any leader other than Jeremy Corbyn’ is a sick joke that is now almost at a 20-point deficit, despite Johnson’s appalling and frankly murderous record as prime minister.

The disastrous situation is driven in large part by an astonishing thirty-six point lag behind the Tories among working-class, low-paid ‘C2DE social grades’ voters, in spite of the Tories’ trashing of the economy during the pandemic:

And Starmer’s personal ratings are abysmal among leave voters in the same group of people:

Even among working-class remain voters, Starmer only has the confidence of 33% of people – only a single point ahead of ‘none of these’.

Starmer’s abysmal ‘leadership’, abstention addition and refusal to stand up to Johnson are clearly driving away voters – on top of the consequences of his betrayal of the party and working-class voters as the architect of Labour’s disastrous 2019 u-turn on its promise to enact a ‘Labour Brexit’, a promise that had helped Labour come within a whisker of power under Jeremy Corbyn in 2017.

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