Video: pub landlord claims assault by Starmer’s minders for saying he didn’t want Labour leader in his pub

A pub landlord in Bath has accused one of Keir Starmer’s minders of assault after being manhandled when he tried to demand that the Labour leader leave his pub:

The man, apparently a former longtime Labour voter who believed Starmer had failed him in his lack of opposition to Boris Johnson’s handling of the pandemic, was trying to tell Starmer to leave because he disagreed with Starmer’s support for lockdown and for masks in schools – bizarrely, since Starmer long demanded schools re-open and sided with the Tories to fight teaching unions who were asking for facemasks in classrooms.

Starmer had earlier told the man, “I don’t need lectures from the likes of you”.

The use of significant physical force to prevent a man entering his own establishment is unlikely to endear Keir Starmer to the right-wing voters he seems to be trying to court.

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