Video: health adviser Adam Hamdy explains frightening, newly-discovered COVID health dangers, as English kids prepare for school return

In a programme to be broadcast on Socialist Telly on Monday evening health adviser Adam Hamdy, who has provided the UK government with numerous reports and analysis on the pandemic and the steps needed to fight it, told SKWAWKBOX that Monday’s return to school for English children is fraught with dangers.

And Hamdy outlined newly-identified dangers linked to the COVID virus and its effects on the brain, including a ‘superantigen proteins in the brain that should normally only be seen in cases of severe bacterial infection – and ‘huge clots’ of a specialised cells that should normally only be found in bone marrow. Hamdy went so far as to say these disease effects are unlike anything that has ever been seen before:

They’ve never seen this, these are things that have never been encountered before.

Adam Hamdy

Hamdy also warned of a reckless gamble by the Tory government that is creating the perfect environment for the virus to mutate into new and potentially both deadlier and vaccine-resistant forms.

Watch the full programme, with guests from the National Education Union and health activism on Socialist Telly’s YouTube, Twitter and Facebook channels Monday 8 March at 8pm.

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