Kim Johnson claims Rothery not popular in Liverpool – then Rothery named in list of city’s inspirational women for International Women’s Day

Liverpool MP throws shade at black candidate barred from mayoral shortlist by Labour – who then receives support from black groups as well as nomination in #IWD2021 list of city’s inspiring women

Liverpool Riverside MP Kim Johnson – criticised last week for a lack of solidarity with Cllr Anna Rothery after Labour shamefully barred her and two other women councillors from the selection to choose the party’ mayoral candidate – told the Guardian on Friday that Rothery was not popular among the city’s black community:

Most of the high-profile voices coming to Rothery’s defence came from outside the city, she said, noting that Rothery had few supporters among black-led organisations in Liverpool.

Later the same day, Rothery was named by Explore Liverpool as one of the city’s inspirational women for International Women’s Day next week:

Rothery has also received support and testimonials from city figures, including black socialists:

A letter demanding Rothery’s reinstatement to the shortlist was signed by an array of MPs, councillors, union figures and more, including Merseyside BLM Alliance and Merseyside Caribbean Centre. Merseyside BLM Alliance also issued its own extensive statement in support of Rothery when she was cut from the shortlist:

The statement was co-signed by BLM groups from around the country, including Merseyside Alliance for Racial Equality.

Rothery, meanwhile, is planning an International Women’s Day ‘sisterhood and solidarity event’:

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