Breaking Exclusive

Exclusive: after NEC bans councillor involvement in Enfield candidate selection, right-wing councillors bypass LCF – to appoint councillor to oversee selections

Local Campaign Forum that should oversee selection process bypassed – and not even aware until ‘procedures secretary’ sends email to members

A small selection of headlines of Enfield scandals driven by the Labour right

In 2019, Labour’s National Executive Committee (NEC) investigated a string of complaints concerning the process of selecting Enfield’s Labour candidates in the 2018 local elections, in a scandal broken exclusively by SKWAWKBOX. The then-secretary of the Local Campaign Forum (LCF), who oversaw the selection process, was subsequently elected as council leader by the same candidates whose selection she oversaw – amid allegations of extensive ‘irregularities’ in the selection process and the deselection of all the borough’s black councillors.

LCF secretary and now Enfield council leader Nesil Caliskan, whose mother is a former staffer to ‘quitter’ MP Joan Ryan, was found guilty of at least two breaches of standards, including one of bullying a colleague. Half of the council’s cabinet, including the council’s deputy leader, resigned in protest at her conduct and the female chair, secretary, assistant secretary and women’s officer of the council’s Labour group – all the women officers except for Caliskan herself – resigned their positions en masse.

Caliskan eventually admitted that the hardest questions in the candidate interview process were not asked of some candidates who eventually stood and became councillors – and the Labour investigation found that candidates who had been rejected by the interview panel had been approved onto the candidate list without explanation.

As a result of its investigation, Labour’s NEC banned the Labour group from even holding meetings without the national party’s express permission – and issued a strict ban on any councillors having any involvement in the selection process for future candidates. Councillors were not even permitted to do something as simple as photocopying an application.

The ruling stated:

K)  That no existing Councillor, or potential Council candidate in Enfield should be involved in the arrangements for the next Local Government Selection process. This includes having responsibility for administrative tasks, arrangements for panel interviews, the handling and photocopying of applications, ballot papers and other paperwork or the membership checks at selection meetings;

However, right-wing Enfield councillors, with the permission and support of Labour’s London regional office, have now met and taken it upon themselves to ignore the NEC’s ruling – and have selected another former Ryan staffer, Gina Needs, not just to be involved in the process but to take charge of it as ‘procedures secretary’:

Cllr Gina Needs, from her council profile

The appointment is a direct contravention of a standing instruction of Labour’s National Executive Committee. Meanwhile, Labour member representatives were suspended for just allowing debate on motions of support for Jeremy Corbyn – and warned even in their reinstatement letters that daring to defy acting general secretary David Evans, who has no authority except what the NEC gives him, again would result in more severe punishment.

The SKWAWKBOX contacted Cllr Needs for comment on her appointment in contravention of the NEC. She hung up.

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  1. Happens all over the place. The leader of the Labour Group in Didcot, himself an incumbent seeking reelection led the reelection of Council candidates in 2019.He even horse traded the remaining seats in his own ward, refusing to allow another incumbent in that ward, the only BAME woman Labour Councillor to stand again for her own seat. A clear breach, on his part, of not only several rules, but the code of conduct for candidates. A complaint has been with the party since then. It’s response: silence

    1. Gwynne Reddick, it comes to something when 5 minutes ago, a sound “Left” commentator Dawn Foster said clearly that Jeremy would have done better as Opposition Leader than dismally damp Starmer. Dawn said so on a Murdoch owned outfit. Presenter and Right wing guest BOTH AGREED with DAWN‼️‼️‼️ They think that Keith missed open goals and was dreadful this week and ALL through the pandemic rubber stamping what i believe are Johnson’s repeatedly deadly catastrophic actions, gross inaction, slow … behind the curve by approx one year, and rampant chumocracy.

      Best not to raise one’s hopes. Last four years were too much a rollercoaster ride. But the views of the Right Wing guest and the host who are no fans of Jeremy, BOTH agreeing fully with Dawn, is quite a turn-up for the books. P.S. i’ve praised Dawn Foster before. She turns up to defend the “Left” come rain or shine. We need people like her who are clear, turn up, speak up, and speak out to the general public EVEN with hostile presenters, hostile other guests and ON MSM‼️‼️‼️

      Interestingly, the host thought Jeremy was “some sort of Nostradamus” by predicting the need for good broadband and laptops which would have been perfect for these times. QUESTION – Has anyone heard any clear sustained defence of that policy since Covid-19 struck ? ? ? No, neither have I.

      1. If Jeremy was still leader, it’d be “Can it really be coincidence that only a year after he demands free broadband a pandemic suddenly arrives that forces us to provide it?”
        They’d 100 times rather imply responsibility than prescience.

  2. Not a surprise. Worse to come. Predictable. Predicted right here on

    There were more than sufficient decades for those who got a miraculous opportunity, to have known that Starmer was, is and will remain bad bad bad news.

    It is not our job to “convert” the Right Wing. They are adults. They have been and REMAIN clear by their actions and choice of associates and chums what their “values” are.

    I am neither disappointed nor surprised by their actions. Anyone surprised and disappointed, please ask yourself why??? I am BEGGING. PLEASE please ask why are you surprised and / or disappointed by Starmer and the rest of the Right Wing❓❓❓

    1. To illustrate my point above, Covid-19 UK deaths were approx 43,575 by June 29. That same day Bliar’s ex flatmate… made a Lord first thing after election in 1997… the unelected Charlie Falconer, advised his Law firm chums at Gibson Dunn re exploiting the suffering of Covid-19.

      Last year three of Falconer’s partners advised equity firms “how to invest in the ‘distressed environment’ of Covid.” ie that the upheaval, distress, destruction of enterprises etc will “present some unique investment opportunities to invest in distressed businesses.”

      QUESTION – What’s the mentality that leads decent people to feel they can “unify with “, “work together with”, AND “keep calm” with Tories like the war criminal and liar Blair and his ex flatmate LORD FALCONER❓❓❓

      1. ps in 2019 full partners at the firm took home an average of £2.5 million a year. I expect 2020 and 2021 that would be more than doubled☢️☢️☢️

      2. ps ps – Falconer can be heard introducing his firm’s Gibson Dunn ‘webinar’ on ‘how the law has been changed by Covid’ by saying: “This is a gift that keeps on giving, the law keeps on changing, keeps on getting more complicated,…” ie an opportunity to plunder more millions in mergers, acquisitions and asset stripping☢️☢️☢️

      3. p.s WHO THINKS WE COULD or SHOULD “work with” people like that ❓❓❓ What type of mindset allows such an idea that Falconer, Blair, Hodge, Ashworth Streeting are the type we should even hint at “keeping calm” about❓❓❓

      4. Lord Falconer appointed Lord Hutton to investigate the death of David Kelly. The rest is history.

      5. precisely Paul Smith. Yet despite all of that open blatant stuff, why did some many decide and STILL want to “work with” creatures like that??? Surely we should be doing everything in our power to DRIVE THEM OUT!!! Organise, think, organise, act and drive the parasites out!!! Not a stamp should be lifted let alone licked for any of Starmer’s collaborators. We must only support those who deserve our support. Let the others lose their seats.

        Prosecute the wrongdoers from the internal report etc and we rebuild from that. The idea of forming a new party despite overwhelming historical evidence is for the birds. Not even Blair was stupid enough to think that. The party is not some detached entity like a stone. It is WE who make the party. We cannot blame the Right because our lot CHOOSE to “work around” them… to quote McDonald’s advice regarding the most repellant MPs!!! It is WE who must stop the disgraceful irresponsible persistent pathetic appeasement of the Tories infesting the party. I gather they have always been appeased. That MUST stop. Also lots of the acts to date suggest an attempt to make little threats with the desperate hope the infestation of Tories will change. They never have. They never will. ANY MP who even whispers a word of limp twaddle of “broad church” should NEVER get any support. They are part of the problem… worse than the Blue Tories. The happy families broad church brigade are draining us from within. Enough! E nough !! E N O U G H !!!
        We cannot complain if we remain unchanged DESPITE the result of being doormats to the Red Tory parasites🚨🚨🚨

    2. As the Regional Office is defying an NEC ruling , their defiance has to be brought formally to the NEC so that the NEC can ensure its ruling is upheld and the selection nullified. If anyone concerned – regional or local – refuses to comply with the NEC ruling then they should be suspended.
      However although that is the way it should be, given Enfield’s history and given how bad things have become under Starmer, I would have no expectation that proper procedures would be implemented by any of those concerned. Neither would I expect any sanctions to be taken against them- disciplinary procedures seem to be applied only when the “offender” supports Jeremy Corbyn and his Socialist beliefs.

    3. ps 113,000 approx dead due to Covid-19. SIR Keith agreed and supported ALL the action and inactions of Cummings & Johnson that caused those deaths and Blair, Mandelson, Straw, Hodge, Streeting, Blunkett Falcolner, McNicoll, Twatson, Cooper, Berger, Ummuna, etc ALL preferred a Johnson led chumocracy outfit rather than a Labour victory☢️☢️☢️

    4. Signpost, is your heart still broken over Jeremy giving Starmer a post in his shadow cabinet when he was leader?

      Anyway, when was it precisely that you cottoned on to Starmer being ‘bad bad bad news’?

      1. AT least signpotwindchimes trys to be constructive,instead of the constant resident loony tune (off his meds)Allan Howard alias White flag man…..and you know it…thought not?…thought not everyone’s a shill black ops right wing fascist shill…Its everyone else thats mad 😠 not me ?

      2. At least signpost trys to be constructive says Okeefe, and says it about someone who has posted literally hundreds of comments on skwawkbox that are in effect falsehoods – ie the complete opposite of ‘constructive’ – and who posted a massive big lie about Robin Lees – the guy who spotted Dominic Cummings in Barnard Castle during the first lockdown – taking legal action against Cummings, and then going on to say: ‘…. this is the sort of ACTION we needed and need. ROBUST ACTION. Clear robust thought. ZERO APPEASEMENT. It has never worked. It has not worked. It will never work.’

        So signpost invented and concocted something so that he could THEN go on to criticise Jeremy – who he was obviously alluding to – by comparison. And Okeefe defends the person who did such a thing!

        I didn’t see the post in question (which signpost posted at 12.18am on 25.05.2020) until the next day, and apart from not having heard anything to that effect on the news, I couldn’t imagine why Robin Lees would have any reason to take legal action against Cummings, so I of course did a search and, as such, there was absolutely nothing. I then questioned signpost about it in another more recent thread, and not only did he vehemently deny that he said it, but he accused ME of having invented it, and then went on to say at some length that I should seek medical help. Here’s a link to the post in question:

        And here’s a link (see below) to my post a couple of days later in which I questioned SP about it, followed by his ‘reply’ in which he denies having said it AND says that I invented it AND that I should seek help etc.


        Here’s what signpost says at the end of his reply:

        Skwawkbox readers can find my accurate words. No decent nor “well balanced” person would slander as you do. You do EXACTLY as the slanderers of Jeremy did. They are not unwell in the mind. They know what they do. While they were forever crying theatrically and saying with more amateur dramatics, how frightened they were etc, you appear in need of professional help. Seek it.

        The waiting lists are very long, but phone your GP. They will call back and put you in the right direction. Be honest with them. There is no shame in finding these four years crushing. Plus I get the impression you may have been in the political battle for many decades.

        But please seek help – WHILE STILL FREE. Other phone services Mind and Sane can be helpful. Accept you need help AH, and many will try to help, even during Covid-19 Tory horrors

        And Okeefe defends him!

      4. I should also add that Okeefe himself is a lier, who falsely accused me of accusing HIM of lying about being a councillor, and has reiterated his falsehood several times since. I DIDN’T accuse him of lying about being a councillor, and needless to say he can’t provide any evidece to that effect precisely because it doesn’t exist, despite my having asked him on several occasions to do so.

        Yep, one lying shill defending ANOTHER lying shill. Please see them for what they are.

  3. The names change but the right-wing games of the cult of new Labour 2.0 continue to ignore NEC rulings making sure only right-wing scum get nominated and generally acting like scum all check marked as usual.

    It’s BS like this that makes me want nothing to do with this cult.

  4. An Emergency Conference. Andrew Scattergood, Momentum co-charman, “a conference will give us the opportunity to reassert the democratic principles on which our party was founded.”

    Activists and (some) Trade Unions’ demands for one is exactly what is needed.

    “In the 21st century, top-down autocratic styles of leadership do not work.” Jon Trickett

  5. So when there is blatant abuse or Gross Misconduct as folk on Planet Earth call it, you say we can not sack them on the spot and press the reset button
    Win for the party and win for democracy

    1. Toffee troll, you are now rivaling White Flag Man to be the resident Skwawkbox neurotic.

  6. Yeah, but the 70% who supposedly wanted to remain were democratically represented at conference by the same right wing as stitched up the delegation processes.

    Unless you’re wee stevie who perpetually whines about his one member one vote but didn’t as much as murmur a complaint about not having a vote on the reneging of the 2nd ref policy.

    Or jackanory who blames everyone else for stammer selling him out over brexit AND zionism despite multiple warnings.

    Because at that time stammer’s shithousery was ‘alles in ordnung’. Ask them yerself if you don’t believe me.

    And they’re from the same stock who’ll complain about the the lack of democracy that may – MAY – eventually be made public knowledge when the Forde report’s published, of course.

    Well jackanory probably will, but wee steven’ll probably stick to his spud guns

    Waaaggh! Stammer shat on democracy they’ll whinge, and risibly attempt to demostrate their democratic credentials, while conveniently and furtively omitting their guilty not-so-secrets to the uninformed who visit the site.

    But brexit had nothing to do with the ‘rags gaining an EIGHTY SEAT MAJORITY.

    So when they have a gripe about the likes of stammer and caliskan, just remember who it is enabled and emboldened them to act as they please.

    Do NOT forgive. Do NOT forget.

  7. Point of order
    Campaign for the next GE should have started the day after the last one, it did for cheap and nasties
    They hammer home the same messages 24/7 its pure propaganda and brain washing
    When the Campaign is launched we are already too many hearts and minds behind and its too late to change them
    What’s our top 10 Tory attack lines that we will repeat ad nauseum for next 3 years

  8. The Torys will have the backing of the knight and his misfits when they have the NHS fully gift wrapped for a Bargain price to Chums,but the Yanks might get there first…Who knows in this neo liberal merry go round….Ps Bolton wanderers are winning thats why I am around in the night(for me).

    1. Just reading guardian(yes I know toilet paper)the fact that its showing the public just how dangerous it is to live in a monerchist bannana republic with archaic laws that give these German imports more power than the Thia monarchy.I have always been aware of the danger of a political system that allows laws that overides parliament and gives loyalty to a family with a made up alias instead of swearing of allegiances to the people of Britain…What’s wrong is that most people actually support this crooked establishment system of patronage etc and etc and our elected representatives love it .Two leaders of the Establishment Opposition knights,,..Public schoolboys PM and cabinet..Get angry and get rid But will it ever happen?.Not without a constitution or a democratic system of election..!

      1. Elections?

        You think the road to freedom is through Parliament?
        It’s not happened yet.
        Never will.
        It has to be taken from them.
        If Corbyn had been elected, there would have been a car crash, or a heart attack.
        Like John Smith.

  9. No free speech here as well.
    Point out lies by omission, and you get deleted.

  10. Gina Needs and Rick Jewell had me followed on social media saying I’d bad mouthed them when they refused an article on Joan Ryan being up for deselection saying it had nothing to do with the ward they were councillors for and Joan Ryan was MP They refused the Skwawkbox article saying Skwawkbox was lying and it was rubbish I tried to post The Times article on the same fb page they banned me from the group

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