FBU demands ‘national recall conference’ over ‘escalating crisis’ of free speech and democracy in Starmer’s Labour

Union’s executive highlights problems with ‘policy, party democracy, freedom of speech and freedom of discussion’

The Fire Brigades Union (FBU) has demanded that the Labour party arrange an immediate, emergency ‘recall’ conference to address the party’s glaring ‘crisis’ of ‘policy, party democracy, freedom of speech and freedom of discussion‘ causing ‘unnecessary division’. A statement issued by the union’s executive states:

The FBU Executive Council notes the escalating crisis within the Labour Party. Tens of thousands are leaving the Party. Important issues of policy, party democracy, freedom of speech and freedom of discussion are currently the source of serious and unnecessary division. These must be resolved if a united Labour Party is to provide the leadership which working people so desperately need in the face of the health and economic crisis arising from the Covid pandemic.

We therefore believe that the Party’s crisis needs to be addressed urgently.

We recognise that the highest body of the Party is the national conference, composed of delegates from the CLPs, trade unions, and other affiliated organisations. We believe that this is the only body with the necessary authority to resolve this crisis.

We therefore call on the NEC to organise an immediate national recall conference of the Labour Party, under rule Clause VI:1, with the sole purpose of addressing the issues identified above in order to build the unity necessary to meet the challenges we face.

Yet another union has sent a warning to Labour’s current leadership and bureaucracy, with the Bakers’ union consulting members on whether to remain affiliated to the party and Unite announcing a decrease in its funding – and not donating anything to the Labour party for almost a year now.

Bakers’ union president Ian Hodson has asked publicly: “Who exactly are Labour representing?” More are now asking the same sort of question.

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