“Enough!” Trickett goes to war with top-down leadership and ‘robocop canvassing’ Labour in video and tweet

Working-class left MP speaks out for democracy and against ‘diktat’

Senior left Labour MP Jon Trickett has spoken out on social media in what Labour-watchers will interpret as a declaration of war with the ‘drone politics’ and Stalinism of the party’s current leadership.

Trickett has tweeted a video of himself in a 2017 interview attacking the ‘top-down command-and-control’ approach to politics that he says will not win elections for the party:

And in the tweet accompanying the video, he has called “Enough!” and attacked the ‘command and control culture’, ‘top down organisation’, ‘robocop canvassing calls’ and ‘diktat’ that characterise Starmer’s leadership, stating:

  1. Labour must shed its command & control culture.
  2. No more top down organisation in an era of bottom up politics.
  3. Replace robocop canvassing calls with community organisation.
  4. Democracy not diktat. A movement not a monolith.

The ‘robocop’ reference is a clear dig at Labour’s embarrassing ‘reward’ scheme in which members can ‘win’ a phone or video call with Starmer or Angela Rayner if they manage to grind through thousands of scripted canvassing calls to hapless voters:

Trickett’s move will come as a breath of fresh air to a movement already sick to the back teeth of Labour’s dive back into the cesspit of defunct Establishment politics since Starmer took the leadership of the party less than a year ago.

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