Exclusive: NEC expected to elect new complaints panel chair – who has serious, unresolved complaints against him

Gurinder Singh Josan failed to respond to questions about issues during last NEC election

Labour’s ‘disputes panel’ of National Executive Committee (NEC) members is a key step in the party’s disciplinary processes, with the power to suspend and even expel Labour members – and a member of the party’s right-wing pressure group is expected to be elected as its chair by the NEC’s right-wing majority when it meets today, according to Labour sources, despite ‘serious and unresolved concerns‘ about his own conduct.

Labour First-backed Gurinder Singh Josan was asked during last autumn’s NEC elections to comment on allegations including:

Mr Josan never responded to the questions about his conduct, which he had asked be sent by email. His election as chair of one of Labour’s senior disciplinary bodies while these issues remain unresolved will raise further ‘serious concerns’.

The SKWAWKBOX called Josan to ask for comment on his suitability for the position of disputes chair. He declined to answer but expressed his delight about the prospect.

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