Exclusive: regional director pulls Zoom plug to block London executive committee vote on pro-Corbyn motion

Zoom meeting settings changed to prevent motion going to vote

London’s Regional Executive Committee (REC) has been prevented from voting on a Unite motion opposing Jeremy Corbyn’s suspension this evening. The union’s motion read:

1.           antisemitism is a poison in society and has no place in the Labour Party; there is agreement across the party that we must redouble our efforts to eradicate it

2.           publication of the EHRC report presented an opportunity for the party to reflect on its findings, unite and move forward, ensuring that all communities see  Labour as a progressive and anti-racist party where all feel welcome and valued irrespective of their class, race, religion or ethnic background

3.           events since the report’s publication have overshadowed the important task of rebuilding solidarity and unity within the party and showing ourselves as a credible alternative to the inept Tory Government that is incapable of dealing with the health crisis or the economic crisis  it has created.

London Labour Party REC calls on:

i.            all party units and elected representatives of the Labour Party, including the NEC, to take the necessary steps to avert what threatens to become the biggest internal crisis facing Labour in decades

ii.           the Leadership of the party to reverse the divisive course of action it has embarked upon, to work for party unity and to ensure Labour becomes a credible government in waiting

We stand in solidarity with Jeremy Corbyn and look forward to him resuming his place in Parliament under the Labour whip as soon as possible.

Right wing delegates challenged the REC’s right to discuss the motion but failed even to get close to the threshold required to challenge the group’s chair. The motion proceeded a discussion and looked set to pass, with an amendment to express solidarity with the Jewish community at this time. 

However, as the meeting was held on zoom, Labour’s new London regional director removed the Zoom co-host facility from REC chair Jim Kelly, blocking the meeting from voting on the motion.

A regional executive member said,

We are elected by the members to represent their view. To take advantage of technology and have an unelected officer simply press the ‘mute’ button on an elected body conducting a democratic motion is an affront to us and the members we represent. It was clear there was wide support on the REC for Jeremy and it is shameful to resport to this to stop a vote. This isn’t how we expect to work in the Labour Party and will be calling for an investigation into the conduct of those who would silence us.

The committee has just issued a statement on its social media:

Labour has written to local parties instructing them not to vote on Corbyn’s suspension. However, this has not prevented various groups tabling motions.

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