Video: Rayner admits what Corbyn said was true – but it was ‘unacceptable’

Labour deputy leader Angela Rayner has said that Jeremy Corbyn’s comment on Thursday about the very low incidence of antisemitism in the party is ‘unacceptable’ even though it’s true.

Speaking during a TV interview, Rayner seemed to acknowledge the accuracy of Corbyn’s statement – but considered it unacceptable to say it:

The idea that it’s unacceptable to say something true because some would find it offensive is an interesting interpretation of the EHRC report’s clear statement that the right to express opinions about the level of antisemitism in the party is legally protected because free speech is not forbidden because it might offend.

What the EHRC report said about free speech under human rights law

Still, her statement was a step up from Keir Starmer’s triple misquotes of Corbyn’s comments on Friday.

Within hours of the publication of the EHRC report this week, Rayner was one of several MPs and dozens of others targeted in a 72-page complaint by the controversial group Campaign Against Antisemitism.

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