“Charlatan… self-serving waste of space” – MP’s own brother’s damning verdict after Tory tries to justify voting to keep kids hungry

Grahame Levy, right, and his MP brother Ian

A Facebook discussion of his attempt to excuse his decision to vote to keep poor children hungry has led to an embarrassing bombshell for Blyth Valley’s Tory MP Ian Levy.

Levy wrote a self-justifying Facebook post claiming the public outrage, at the Tories’ appalling determination not to provide meals for 1.4 million of England’s poorest children during the school holidays (and any eventual lockdown), was ‘extremely disappointing’.

Levy also justified his vote by pointing to the Tories giving free school meals to ‘another 50,0000 children’. He neglected to mention that the vote in fact denied free school meals to another million children, in one of the biggest political scandals of 2018:

But the outraged discussion of Levy’s excuses was about to lead to serious embarrassment for Levy – as his own brother Grahame chipped in on the thread with a withering verdict on the Tory MP he described as a ‘Charleton’ [sic] and ‘a self serving waste of space’:

For good measure, Grahame, who now lives in Scotland, added that,

I feel sorry for the folk of Blyth

So great was the outrage at the MP’s comments and vote that Labour MP Ian Lavery had to put out a tweet clarifying that he’s not the Tory MP with a vaguely similar name:

Levy the MP felt sorry for himself and his Tory colleagues, because Angela Rayner’s calling one of them ‘scum‘ might encourage others to do the same after they voted to leave poor children hungry.

Boo hoo.

But the sympathy belongs with those poor kids and not with the bunch of ‘self-serving wastes of space’ who deprived them of food they desperately need in the middle of a national crisis driving spiralling poverty.

Ian Levy was contacted for comment but did not respond. Grahame Levy was contacted and confirmed their relationship.

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