Video: Starmer says he’s AGAINST a new referendum for Scotland. Seems they’re only a good idea when there’s a Corbyn govt to prevent

Starmer’s speeches in 2018 and 2019 and his interview today suggest referendums are a bad idea if they aren’t a chance to prevent a Corbyn government

Labour leader Keir Starmer wants to deny the people of Scotland a new independence referendum if they give the SNP a majority in the Scottish Parliament – even though it was only January he said they should have a new independence referendum if they give the SNP a majority in the Scottish Parliament.

Apparently referendums are ‘divisive’.

The hypocrisy is even greater when set against Starmer’s insistence a year ago – and two years ago – that there must be a new EU referendum. In 2018, it wasn’t even Labour policy and hadn’t been approved by the Corbyn leadership – but old Sir Keir was so keen he promised not only a referendum on any Brexit deal, but that there had to be a ‘remain option’ as well:

The consequence of Starmer’s now-abandoned referendum enthusiasm was the loss of 52 Labour seats in leave-voting towns, handing Boris Johnson exactly the majority and agenda Starmer claimed to fear – compared to the huge ‘Corbyn surge‘ when Labour promised to honour the original referendum result in 2017.

Perhaps referendums are only a good idea when they represent a chance to prevent a Corbyn-led government – and now that’s no longer needed, they’ve suddenly become a bad thing and sod the wishes of the people of Scotland.

Even though Starmer would need to win them back, as well as the 52 leave-voting ex-Labour strongholds, to have any chance of forming a government.

But apparently it’s the Labour left that is more interested in protest and opposition than governing – although so far as Labour leader Starmer has shown little interest in opposing or protesting, either.

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