Analysis Exclusive

Exclusive: suspended left-wing London councillor ‘stitched up’ using edited social media posts

Right-wingers attempt to make up for suspension of several ‘centrist’ councillors over racism allegations

Cllr Noah Tucker with Jeremy Corbyn

The SKWAWKBOX recently revealed details of a series of messages that have led to the suspension of right-wing councillors in the London borough of Haringey after complaints of racism, Islamophobia and threatening behaviour.

At the same time – and made the focus of events by some right-wing media – two left-wing councillors in the borough were also suspended: Preston Tabois – one of the signatories to the complaint about right-wing councillors’ racist comments – and Noah Tucker, supposedly over allegedly antisemitic comments on social media.

Cllr Preston Tabois

Tabois’s supporters say that his comments were selectively and misleadingly used in order to support the complaint against him and the SKWAWKBOX has shown that the principle example used in the media against him was used in this way.

And the comments used against Tucker appear to have been equally misleadingly framed, with context removed that shows he was in fact arguing against a claim about Israel controlling the Labour Party, in what left-wingers in the area believe is a ‘stitch-up’.

One of the Facebook posts listed against Tucker, for example, is used to imply that he was suggesting that Israel is ‘taking over’ the Labour Party – but Tucker’s comment clearly says this is not the case and the surrounding messages show that he was contradicting someone else who made the claim:

The second part of Tucker’s comment is simply factual: Israeli ambassador Mark Regev publicly fanned the flames of the antisemitism allegations, while embassy official Shai Masot was captured by an undercover Al Jazeera sting discussing the establishment of pro-Israel groups in the Labour Party and described Jeremy Corbyn’s election as Labour leader as a ‘crisis’. The actions revealed by the Al Jazeera documentary were even condemned by Tory MPs such as Crispin Blunt and Nicholas Soames.

Other comments used against Tucker are framed in similarly misleading ways. It seems that the Labour right is resorting to misrepresentation to take out a couple of left-wing councillors in an attempt to ‘balance the scales’ on a council it is desperate to win back, after the suspension of key members of what had been planned as a ‘coup’ to take place this summer and autumn.

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  1. What’s the state of play with the various threatened court cases and the so-called “inquiries” I wonder?
    It seems I haven’t read anything solid about any of it for weeks.
    Is it all being deliberately left to disappear from the public consciousness? Are they backpedalling as expected now the scams have achieved their original purpose?

  2. My understanding (no 100% sure) is that Noah Tucker is Jewish himself. It would be hilarious if it wasn’t so serious another socialist Jew accused of antisemitism.
    If Noah is Jeiwsh wouldn’t his suspension provide proof of antisemitism within the Labour Party? Solidarity Noah.

  3. The adoption of the full IHRA, more so the full 11 examples, has effectively brought about precisely this kind of (corrupted) issue. It may currently be wrong to state, as doe TA, that the Israeli/Zionist lobby has “taken over the party,” but is , as JT contexts, the levels of influence are already beyond “unhealthy.”

    Starmer and his related actions should be warning enough. For the sanity of the membership, and clarification of intent, the man needs to be drawn out on the current Israeli annexation and its apartheid regime. The Guardian and the BBC have failed the Palestinian cause; Labour must not follow! There are many Jewish members who greatly resent what is being done to their party, as JVL makes abundantly clear.

    1. OPINION & my right to voice an opinion. I believe there is evidence to support the statement that Israel is controlling the British Labour Party. I believe I have the right to both think it & say it. This is not wrong, it is my opinion. The one thing the liberal left abhor is DIVERSITY OF OPINION.

      1. Really, I tend to agree. I was just trying to be diplomatic, in part.

  4. So Israel’s taking over the Labour party.?..well to suggest that is now a serious problem?….IT would seem that the Labour party under the knight are just as gutless as the previous lot.when clamping down on opinions.The whole idea of discussion and debate are being trampled in the mud by making one religion and race a “special case” .for the Labour party.This does nothing for cohesion and understanding amongst the many and varied members of the Labour party….my wife and son are both of the Jewish faith and I am a Roman Catholic.none of this stops lively debates amongst us.and it shouldn’t.The knight is just another example of cowordice when discussing the AS scam.

  5. Sorry for the gibberish that spellcheck has substituted. The debate is a fast moving one, as always on Skwawkbox, but just in case anyone’s interested:
    “as doe TA” should read “as does TA”
    “but is, as JT contexts” should read “but, as JT contests”

  6. If Mr Tabois is suspended from the party for complaining about racism Islamophobia and threatening behaviour then clearly the party is siding with the racists , Islamaphobes and those engaged in threatening behaviour. Therefore if he wants action taken against these people he should refer his complaints to the police as all matters complained of are criminal offences . Indeed it is my opinion that criminal behaviour should always be reported to the police rather than the party as it falls within their remit not the party’s.
    In relation to Mr Tucker’s comments I do not believe that they could not be seen as antisemitic by any reasonable person. There is no evidence of hatred of Jewish people in what he has said. Indeed it seems to me his comments are directed against the Establishment, not Jewish people or Israel. It appears therefore that unfounded allegations of antisemitism have been made against him . Unfortunately the party refuses to recognise that malicious and spurious complaints need to be dealt with via the disciplinary process so I cannot see Mr Tucker getting a fair deal from the party in this matter. I am sorry to say that I think he will be hung out to dry like others before him.

  7. THE CONCEIT OF CENTRISTS AND neoliberal centrism is unbelievable. Petty, puerile and parsimonious comes to mind. Fukiyama’s “The End of History” and Tom Watson’s Ego and personality to wit.

    Conceit beyond imagination. Thank Heaven people like Jeremy Corbyn and Preston Tabois exist.

  8. So, in a comments section about Hartlepool and the destruction of internal Labour Party democracy there, SteveH brought up Cllr Tabois. In responding to that-not knowing of Cllr Tabois’ story beyond what SteveH related there, I said that IF Cllr Tabois was actually guilty of endorsing the views SteveH claimed he endorsed, he would be an antisemite and should be removed. It is now clear, based on what was revealed in the article we are discussing here, Cllr Tabois is categorically innocent of what SteveH implied he was guilty of, and therefore should never have been suspended at all.

    The use of false accusations of AS as a cudgel swung at the heads of leftists needs to stop.

    SteveH and everyone else who smeared Cllr Tabois now needs to apologise and admit wrongdoing.

  9. The question is whether Starmer & Evans are employing the Israeli spy Ammar Kaplan or is it the other way around.
    So suspend me.

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